Addressing Issues

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A/n as promised, a new chapter. Please enjoy :)

Tom wanders back from the restaurant with a huge smile on his face. He has surprisingly enjoyed his lunch with his sister and this affected his appetite. Ever since his fiasco with his ex he had lost his appetite and barely ate anything. But this lunch he ate a pile and he feels like things are looking up. He waltzes through the trailer park, it is nearly dinner time but he feels like he couldn’t eat for weeks. As he walks around the corner he sees Ben and the girls walking towards him he smiles at them which surprise Ben who is still thinking about the earlier incident. “Hey guys, where are you heading?” Tom ecstatically asks a smile from ear to ear.

“We are going out for dinner.” Stephanie replies.

“Do you want to join?” Lauren asks. Tom thinks about this. He has eaten a load for lunch so isn’t very hungry but he wants to socialize with his co-stars.

“I will but I won’t eat much. I had a pile of food for lunch.” He answers and turns to Ben who is being quiet. He smiles to him but he doesn’t smile back. Tom wanders what could possibly be wrong with his friend but shrugs it off and walks, linked arms with the girls to help them over the uneven ground in their heels. They reach a small, family-run Italian restaurant which is dimly lit and homely. The waiter guides them to a booth in the far corner away from the draft flying through the open door.

“Can I get you some drinks?” The waiter asks and turns to Ben who is staring off into space. Not replying. Tom notices this and answers for him.

“Could we get some water for the table? We have an early start tomorrow.” He asks the waiter and the girls hum in agreement.

“Certainly sir.” The waiter leaves the group with menus to decide on a dish they would want. Tom decides on a salad. Although it is ‘not manly’ he is very full up from his last meal.

After ordering their food the girls head to the bathroom which is a great improvement on the toilets in their trailers. Tom peers at Benedict who looks distracted and raises an eyebrow at him. “We need to talk later Tom.” Ben states, no emotion showing on his face.

“What about?” Tom curiously asks.

“Later.” Ben repeats and then the two sit in silence again.


The meal was great fun and everyone really enjoyed themselves. The girls head into their trailers leaving Ben and Tom stranded in the centre of the park. Ben wanders off leaving a perplexed Tom who just returns to his trailer. He wonders what they were meant to discuss but doesn’t dwell on it any further when he gets a notification on his phone. He opens a text from an unknown number: Watch your back you homo. You never know who is watching you. The message sends shivers down Tom’s spine and causes him to proceed into meltdown. He throws his phone against the wall in anger and struts to the bathroom pulling off his shirt revealing the many scars down his arm up to his wrist. He pulls the razor blade out of his wash bag. “Stop!” Ben shouts from behind him but Tom shakes his head and proceeds. He had just touched the surface of his skin with the cold blade when his arm is yanked back by his friend. “No Tom.” Ben states, tossing the blade to one side.

“Ben no…” Tom trails and tries to reach the blade but fails when Ben drags him onto the couch. Tom doesn’t move and Ben steadies his breathing. After a few moments of silence, “Ben I’m-”

“No. This is not right Tom! This isn’t you!” Ben panics setting down on a plastic chair in arms reach of the couch.

“I had to.”

“No! You could have talked to me!” Ben shouts. “We are best buds you and I. I tell you everything and you tell me everything because we TRUST each other!” He takes a deep breath before continuing, lowering his voice. “There is nothing wrong with being gay. People shouldn’t be so homophobic about it.”

“Why do you care so much about it?” Tom enquires. Benedict thinks over his answer in his head, not being able to tell the truth he dilutes his answer.

“Because I care about you.” He starts. “You are one of my best friends.” Tom stares at the ceiling as a comfortable silence takes over. He sighs deeply then jumps when he feels Ben’s fingers carefully tracing his scars. “Wait here.” Ben instructs before getting up and leaving. Tom considers getting hold of the blade whilst he is gone but he knows that he hasn’t got time. Ben returns with an object in his hand. Holding it to the light Tom sees that it is a leather wristband. Ben wraps it around the scars and seals it shut, glancing at Tom as he does so. “There that should do for now.” Ben suggests getting up again and opening the door to leave. “But this is not over.” He adds before shutting the door behind him.

A/n what do you guys think? Thank you for all the support on this book so far! I have been nicely surprised about the reaction it has gone already so thank you :)

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