Stuck In A Cupboard

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A/n oh did you hear the news? SHERLOCK is going to air earlier than expected! (I've attatched the external link!)

Tom stands the bottle on its head so there is a slight chance than any liquid left would drip to the neck. He sighs, his mouth dry from the lack of moisture and his body is thirsty in need of water. Currently, both Ben and Tom are locked in a cupboard at the BBC television centre and have been for hours. In that time they have tried shouting and phoning someone but sadly there is very little mobile single in this dark, cupboard. They are in the centre to do a script reading for The SweetDevils Two and the day had been going very well until it reached their lunch break. Throughout the reading the pair have been ‘teasing each other’ underneath the table so they decided that it would be sensible to ‘release some steam’ in the cupboard. This idea was brilliant until they heard the door locking mid kiss. Tom’s phone has lost all battery and Ben’s is reaching that point so a little panic has set in on Tom’s part. He has forgotten to take is medication today and now he has run out of water…great. “Tom don’t worry love.” Ben assures while darting around the small space in hope to get a signal. “Ah ha.” He says as he presses his phone against his ear, shoved into the corner. “Hi Steph! We are stuck in cupboard near-” He stops mid flow, “Hello?” A sigh fills the room and he flashes Tom his phone screen. No battery. “Sorry love…”

“They will find us though!” Tom freaks, “Steph and Lauren will come and look for us, and you did get through to them so they vaguely know where we are and-”

“I told them a cupboard which could be anywhere in this massive building.” Ben unhelpfully suggests and then mentally face palms himself.

“They might create a search party…” He mumbles. Ben looks at the ground and then a bright idea occurs to him so he springs to sit – cross legged – in front of Tom.

“Or they might go further and tell the press. Can you imagine: ‘CUMBERBATCH AND HIDDLESTON MISSING IN BBC TELEVISION CENTRE’? The fangirls would break in and compose a search themselves.” He jokes and Tom finally cracks a smile. “I miss you.” His tone turns serious. “The real you.” Tom pushes forward his hands to clutch onto Ben’s reassuringly.

“I am here.” Tom begins, “I know that I haven’t been the happiest person but you understand why. You’ve helped me an awful lot to get me where I am today and I am eternally grateful. You are right! We will get out of here, I am just incredibly thirsty at the moment.” He gushes and leans forward to plant a soft kiss on Benedict’s cheek. “You know what? This cupboard is incredibly empty for a store cupboard.” He notices.

“Yes you are right!” Ben agrees peering around at the empty shelves. There a couple of boxes in one corner which have been yet too explored but other than that the room is bare. “These places are usually flowing with all sorts of props.” He adds whilst getting to his feet. He walks over to the boxes and begins to fumble through them and continues, “Like plates, weapons and-” He stops suddenly which alerts Tom who immediately stands.

“What?” He cautiously asks.

“Body parts.” Ben finishes whilst holding a fake, severed head in his hands. The same head which was planted in their apartment months ago. Tom takes a step back and holds his breath in shock as Benedict examines the head. The base that used to read: This prop belongs to the BBC. Please return if found now has some additional words scribbled on. Mischief and sociopath. The pair faces each other in shock and begins to lose it. This is all Vanessa. At this moment, the door unlocks and Eve is on the other side.

“Ah there you are guys! We have been looking everywhere for you!” Eve cries looking too pleased, “Oh I see you have found Mr Ten.”

“Huh?” Ben and Tom say in unison.

“Oh head number Ten. It is nothing really, come on it is home time I guess.” She leaves the two confused actors to their previous state. They follow her out and stroll towards the car rather quickly so they get home and just relax. Not having to worry about anything. Yet.

A/n is Vanessa back on the prowl? Please discuss x

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