The Graham Norton Show

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It is a chilly, winter evening in London and so far Danny Boyle’s Robin Hood production has been going amazingly! The reviews have been positive and the show has been raved about. Currently, Tom and Benedict are waiting in the wings of the Graham Norton Show waiting to do some press for the current show. Graham runs onto the stage wearing a quite eye-catching blazer which sparkles in the light with a big grin on his face. “Tonight!” He yells even though he has a microphone pinned onto his jacket, “We have two of the sexiest actors on the planet…Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston!” The crowd screams with excitement after Graham spits out their names. “And later on we will have music from the wonderful Ed Sheeran. But first, please welcome to the sofa…Tom Hiddleston!” Tom walks out of the wings wearing a very slick black suit and tie. The audience applaud as he waltzes on with a big smile on his face as he sits himself down after giving Graham a friendly hug. He is extremely excited because this is his first time on the show. “Benedict Cumberbatch!” Graham calls and on strides Ben wearing a dapper blue, shiny suit with a white shirt and brown shoes. His shirt has the first couple of buttons undone. “Now then. We are all very excited to have you both here.” He praises as everyone is seated.

“I am very excited to be here.” Tom responds, “I love the show.”

“Thank you.” Graham smiles as he flicks through his card prompts for the show. “Right. The main reason these two lovely gentlemen are here tonight is to promote their show, ‘Robin Hood’…which finishes tomorrow?” His expression becomes confused and the audience murmurs.

“I will explain.” Benedict begins, “Because of the quite incredible response that this show has had, it has been decided that we will do another weeks performances.” Everyone cheers causing Tom to chuckle under his breath.

“On Sunday tickets will go on sale at nine o’clock in the morning local time.” Tom explains further, “And then yeah we will do some more performances.” Silence falls and Graham looks at the pair with an utterly confused expression fixed on his face.

“Cool.” He manages say, “I have heard that it is also going to be on in cinemas next year or am I talking rubbish?”

“No Graham you are not talking rubbish. Today the show was filmed by National Theatre and it should be on the theatre screens in about March time for a couple of weeks in the UK. And maybe be a few days in America.” Ben jabbers.

“Now I have seen the show and obviously it has been getting absolutely insane reviews. My thoughts on it are that the acting was an incredible standard for everyone involved not just these two wonderful actors here.” He praises, “But my second thought was. Tom’s facial hair thing looks…okay but Benedict.”

“Yes?” Ben questions with an eyebrow raised.

“Yours just looks stupid.” Graham continues and the audience laughs, “And you have blonde hair currently…which is actually a lovely look for you. But anyway the reviews. Ladies and Gentlemen Robin Hood has had on average 4.9 stars reviews which is truly amazing! And The Guardian rated it five stars which is of course a rare occurrence. What are you thoughts on this? And how did you come about this show in the first place?”

“I feel so pleased and proud of the show.” Tom speaks up, “Danny Boyle has done an incredible job with the original folk tale to turn it into this…enormous, extraordinary show.”

“Yes it is definitely not the normal tale of Robin Hood that’s for sure.” Ben continues, “And I remember when Danny approached me in the street and asked if I would play this main part in a show he was working on. I gave him our publicist’s number and said that I would get back to him.” He combs his hand through his hair making a member of the audience whistle, “Anyway erm…then he asked me if he knew anyone who could play the Sheriff of Nottingham so I recommended Tom. He had seen Tom in Coriolanus earlier on in the year and said that he really enjoyed it so yeah that was it.”

“Wow. And now it is this major thing.” The pair hum in agreement, “So Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston are starring in Danny Boyle’s Robin Hood which is continuing with its performance next week. Last minute tickets are on sale on Sunday morning.” Graham talks to the camera.

“Actually we have an announcement to make.” Tom announces and Graham nods, urging him to continue, “Ben and I are not going to be filming or doing any new projects until February because erm…” He trails not being able to find the words.

“Are you getting married?” Graham joshes.

“No.” Benedict replies, “Tom’s daughter is coming to live with us just after Robin Hood is finished.” The crowd awes and claps making Tom blush.

“Is this the baby that was included in the…incident a couple of weeks ago?” Graham questions.

“Yes.” Tom says, “I will be looking after her for now on with the help of my friends and my wonderful boyfriend.” He gushes.

“What’s her name?” Graham asks with a sparkle in his eye, “If you don’t mind telling us.”

“It’s fine.” Tom assures, “Her name is Emmeline Rose. We cannot wait to introduce her to our family.” Benedict puts his arm around Tom and squeezes him lovingly before planting a soft kiss to his cheek.

“But what is everyone going to watch while you two are having a hiatus?”

“Well I am so glad you have asked that Graham!” Benedict exclaims with happiness in his tone, “Our friend Lauren is in Downton Abbey which is on over Christmas and our other friend Stephanie is in Guys and Dolls in the West End. So there will be no boredom this Christmas.”

“That is good!” He yells in response, “Now then, before we head over and have some music from the incredible Ed Sheeran who is performing ‘Thinking Out Loud’, we are going to have some Google search fun. Which means we are going to type some stuff into Google and see what comes up.” Graham tells the audience which receives some cheers. He picks up his wireless keyboard and types, “Is Benedict Cumberbatch…”

Is Benedict Cumberbatch:

Is Benedict Cumberbatch engaged?

Is Benedict Cumberbatch getting married?

Is Benedict Cumberbatch dead?

The audience laughs and so does the celebrities in the studio as they read the suggestions on the screen. “I can confirm Ladies and Gentlemen that Benedict Cumberbatch is not dead as he is sitting on the sofa tonight.”

“Unless he’s a poltergeist.” Tom adds, “And as for the other two…we are not engaged. And I gather he isn’t engaged either and I’m pretty sure ‘engaged’ and ‘getting married’ are the same thing.” He rambles.

“Okay next.” Graham calls, “Is Tom Hiddleston…”

Is Tom Hiddleston:

Is Tom Hiddleston Married?

Is Tom Hiddleston a vegetarian?

Is Tom Hiddleston nice?

The audience laughs again and Tom leans forward looking at the screen with a confused expression, “People are so random.” He comments, “Am I vegetarian?”

“Well are you?” Graham asks.

“No.” Tom replies, “And I’m not married.”

“But he is very nice!” Benedict adds and plants another kiss on his partner’s cheek. “But he is all mine!”

A/n Hey guys! Just to say the google search is actually what comes up. Hope you enjoyed this part :)

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