Day 7665

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It's Day 7665,
6 am and nothing happens, slowly the camera team wakes up to again realize that they won't have to do anything to earn their money,  again. To be honest I don't even know why there is also a biologist, it's not like the birds and other animals know there are these creepy dudes which know more about them than they about themselves. Additionally they NEVER met him! I would definitely be freaked out when I knew that I had a Stalker. But hey why do I judge that guy again? Oh yeah I nearly forgot, he f*ck*ng hugged me out of no where and started slowly but surely pushing his hips against ME. If not one of the camera man tried to stop him, I would have mucus everywhere. Yes I describe it as mucus.
Now returning, in to the fast traveling reality, it's already lunch time and I forgot that it's Anti-Vegan Friday again so I will have to see how the others eat my dearest friends.

Note: Every day is Anti-Vegan Friday except Friday that's Taco Tuesday but with meat so actually again Anti-Vegan Friday but with an other name.

Which the last Person hunted, he is like the Leader they've called him Henri when I remember correctly, but to be honest I don't know anymore I just call him Tim, as for Terrible Idiotic Male because he sets up traps at places even a snail would recognize that it is one. AND SNAILS ARE BLIND! Well whatever the only reason they survived out here was because, you know what we're gonna make a game  and you can guess which is the right answer.
a) Tim had a gun and shot every animal he saw in front of the trap laughing at his work
b) There is an suicidal cult mainly populated of philosophical squirrels
c) Camera man 1 re-set the traps so actually animals would get caught
d) The Mafia Boss of the Rats arranged that the traps get re-set so he can take over the World
I'll give u you some time to think about it, so while you're still reading this part you may more and more realize that I am wasting your time with not thinking what could be the answer on my question.
Read next line only when you have your answer.

Ok I think that was another 1 min wasted of your life, but knowing that you want a answer I am solving the big mystery.
The correct answer is c) I mean let's face the reality Tim is an Idiot and can't even hold a pen correctly, an suicidal cult full of philosophical squirrels? That's way not enough meat to let four mepreciousn survive in the wilderness of the Tree stay realistic please, and a Mafia Boss which is a Rat (the Mafia stays in the family)? Sure but they already tried to take over the world and quite effectively and smart as well I have to say. You may remember in the past between 1346 and 1353 in Europe they killed 25 Millions of people, they didn't have any war Victims and afterwards there wasn't a total destruction of cities and countries. So I would say the Rats are already planning on taking over the word. And if you ask me I would say that Zombie populating the world is a hint, from the Rats, how all humans will end.
I think I wasted enough of your  time with telling you to much secrets of my World. But don't worry I'll continue.

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