Chapter #3: Apple Pie, the Mysterious Food

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AN: Alright everypony! The winners of the contest are in! I've chosen three, so if you don't see your pony in any of the chapters, it's okay, maybe I'll have another one next time!

Also, I'm sorry for not updating for MONTHS. I kinda got lazy with this, but I decided to start it up again because a lot of people wanted updates! So you ask, and I shall answer!

Thanks, now back to the story!



I guess being a pony isn't SO bad... I mean, you're still on all fours and all, but you have clumsy hooves instead of claws to hold your grip. I don't know how they even stand so well!

Then again, it's not like I'm a twoleg or anything. That would be difficult...

My coat was a very light gray, just like my pelt. My mane was a darker gray with dark gray stripes, and my eyes were still blue. But, unlike some ponies I've seen, I didn't have a horn or a set of wings.

I looked at my surroundings. I had woken up next to a structure that was a bit taller than a tree. It was decorated with fancy pelt-like things that in a way seemed quite pretty.

The structure seemed to resemble a twoleg nest, though. I was a bit cautious of going inside, but...


Where was she? Where was Jayfeather? Lionblaze? Bramblestar? Squirrelflight?

I walked up to the twoleg nest.

"Hello?" I called. "Is anyone in there?"

After a few moments, the "door" opened. Out peeked the face of a horned pony. Her pelt was white and her mane was purple, and her eyes were blue, just like mine.

"Oh!" the pony exclaimed. "Why, hello there. Did you need something?"

Okay, that's not a twoleg nest. I don't think there are any.

"Uh, yeah," I said. "I'm new here and I'm kinda lost."

"Don't worry, dear," the pony said. "We'll help you. My name is Rarity, by the way. We've got food inside. You must be hungry, aren't you?"

I nodded. A mouse would do just fine about now... "My name is Ivypool," I said.

"That's a brilliant name," Rarity remarked. She turned her head. "Applejack? Do you still have that apple pie?"

An orange wingless and hornless pony stood at the top of some "stairs". She was wearing an artifact of twoleg attire on her head. It looked worn out, though.

"Yeah, why?" Applejack asked. Then she saw me. "Howdy there, pardner! Are ya new around here?"

I nodded. Applejack nodded back. "Well, I still have a few pieces of apple pie left. I can probably give some to ya."

What is this "apple pie" the ponies speak of? I have heard of apples, but never have I ever heard of "apple pie". Is it a kittypet food? I shudder at the thought. I hope not.

Applejack returned holding something in a flat, white disc. "Here you go," she said, placing it on what I learned was the "table".

Was this the "apple pie"? It smelled delicious, but I wasn't sure if it was as good as what I was looking for. Well, there isn't much else, and I haven't seen any mice around here, so I guess it's worth a go.

I bit into the apple pie, slowly chewing the contents. The taste was sweet, almost like honey. The crunch of the apples within the pie was savoring as well.

If this was kittypet food, then mice is also kittypet food. They were both so good.

"This is delicious, thanks!" I thanked the ponies.

"No problem," Applejack said.

"Uh, do you suppose you have any... mice?"

The two ponies were silent for a moment. "Did... did you say 'mice', my dear?" Rarity asked a bit anxiously.

I shook my head. "Nah, forget I said anything."

Then I saw movement in one end of the room. A white-furred cat had pounced on one of Rarity's twine-like things, batting it around like a play toy.

I hissed. Kittypets.

"Why, is something wrong?" Rarity asked.

I tried to calm my temper. "No, I'm completely fine."

I sighed. Blending in was going to be harder than I thought...


AN: Apple pie, the mysterious food. Yum.

(DISCONTINUED) My Little WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now