Chapter #2: Squirrel "flight" Lessons

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"So, who are you?" I asked the pink pony with a fluffy, magenta mane. She was hopping up and down like crazy, and she had a giant grin on her face.

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" she said. "I've never seen YOU around before! You must be new! And you know what that calls for?" She let out an excited squeak.

I blinked. "No... I don't," I said.

Oh, and just to tell you how I looked like as a pony--My pelt color was orange, and my mane was fluffy, just like Pinkie's, but dark orange. I had feathery wings on my back, and my cutie mark was a squirrel.

"A PARTY!" Pinkie screamed. She was about to dash out the door and get ready when I flew in to intercept.

"Whoa, whoa there, Pinkie," I said. "Not yet. I think there are others here too. In fact, five others, I think!"

"REALLY?!" Pinkie Pie's eyes grew wide. "More newcomers means MORE FUN! I can't wait! Why don't we visit some of MY other friends to see if they've seen YOUR friends?"

I nodded. "Sure, why not?"

"Great! Come on!" Pinkie hopped out the door as I flew on after her.

"Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie shouted. "Hello?"

Pinkie had gotten a "hot air balloon" and flew to Rainbow's cloud house. I just flew next to her. I happened to run into a few birds, but I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat them. Yet.

Soon a sky blue pegasus pony with a rainbow mane stuck her head out. "Hey Pinkie!" she said, waving a hoof. "Whatcha' doin'? And who's that?"

"I'm Squirrelflight," I said. "You must be Rainbow Dash! Nice meeting you!"

"Squirrelflight here is a NEW PONY!!!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Have you seen any new ponies around?"

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, I have. Why?"

"Because I think I might know him or her..." I said.

The blue pegasus pony narrowed her eyes and pointed a hoof at me. "Do you know someone named... Lionblaze?"

My eyes widened. "Yes!" I nodded excitedly. "In fact, he's my nephew!"

"Wha--? Someone say my name?"

Rainbow flew aside as another head poked through the window. It was the head of a golden pegasus pony with a dark orange mane and tail. He had amber eyes and if he turned to the side a bit, I could see his cutie mark was a pouncing lion with gleaming claws.

"Squirrelflight?" Lionblaze's eyes widened. "How--where are the others?"

"I don't know. So far you're the only other warrior I've seen here," I said.

"Warrior?" Rainbow Dash said, puzzled slightly.

"Long story," I explained quickly.

Rainbow shrugged. "Well, I was about to take Lionblaze on a flying lesson, if that's fine with you," she said.

"Sure," I said. "Can you teach me as well?"

"Why not?" the blue pegasus pony flew out. "Come on, let's get started!"


"Alright, now flap those wings!" Rainbow instructed as we did so. "Now remember, you don't need to flap them all the time. You can catch a little breeze and glide along by spreading them out."

I flapped until I was at a good speed, then I stretched my wings out to full wingspan as I glided along. Well, hey, at least if I encounter a cat who says, "not until you sprout wings and fly" to me, I can prove it to them. But I doubt they'd even beleive me.

"Great job! You're getting the hang of it!" Rainbow praised me.

Suddenly I heard Lionblaze give a little shout. I turned my head and saw him stumble and dive downward. Pinkie Pie landed her balloon somewhere and bounded after him. Rainbow and I followed.

"Spread your wings out!" Rainbow called. "It'll help regain your balance!"


I held a wing over my face at the sound of glass shattering. Then I looked up to see Lionblaze stuck through a window, letting out a low groan. Then I heard him mutter, "Great. Now I lost a fight with a window."

And then, a familiar voice. "Lionblaze?"


AN: Hope you enjoyed it so far! If I'm introducing the warrior cats a bit too slow, please tell me and I'll try to introduce more!

Remember, I will only accept three (or more if I can't decide) entries in the Character Contest (see previous chapter), so enter now!

Oh, and remember to follow and vote for more content!

Thanks, and may StarClan give you good hunting! :3

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