Enemys siblings

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We makes it back to school and sees tons of cars. we goes to the locker room and gets undress. I puts on my basketball shorts and slides and goes to the gym.

as I walks in thousands of people came screaming and running for joy and grabs me cheering "STATE CHAMPS". hear comes the whole football team loud and turnt up.

we all jumping around and out came CBS and channel 4 news came to me and the 3 Ogs asking us questions that we couldn't hear.

as we begin to leave out the gym I says "PARTY AT MY HOUSE". people cheers.

I turned around and see Dominique. she comes and jumps on me laughing. we touched lips. I puts her down and goes to my car to get to the house. When I got there I was in a rush trying to put everything together food drinks towels for the pool games and much much more.

As I go up stairs to take a shower I hear the door bell rings so I rushed down stairs to see who it was. I swung open the door and it was Dman Dsavage and King Tray.

I told them to finish setting up the things for the party so I can take my shower. As I rush upstairs I hurried into the bathroom to take my shower. When I was in the shower I couldn't hear my music over the sound the door bell rung so many times.

I got out the shower and walked in my room looking for what ima wear. I pulled out my Gucci shirt and belt and lays it on the bed then I go to my drawer and pulls out my Gucci shorts and bandanna and socks.

I puts on some lotion and takes care of my hygien and gets dressed. When I pulled open my door Tray Dman & Dsavage wher standing right there and we were all wearing designer. I look over my wall from up stairs and sees tons of people dancing and drinking and smoking.

We walk down stairs and starts blending in with the party dancing and talking to everyone. Dominique came up to me and grabbed me by my arm telling me we need to talk so we goes outside and talks and ends up breaking up. She gave me that "Idc what you do anymore look.

I asked "is this what you wanted"

She replies "sometimes its just better to be alone".

I walks back in the house heart broken but in a party mood . I goes by Dsavage he was just sitting there like he lost a bestfriend . I ask him wassup he says "I got dumped hard" with a funny look on his face. I tried not to laugh and he gave me that "Shit ain't funny look" I told him he ain't the only one but that ain't bout to stop us from partying.

I grabs a drink and starts drinking away. Everything was going great and it was like we where in a movie type of party just turning up. All of a sudden everything starts going in slow motion cameras flashes before our eyes people smiling and having a great time I started walking towards the back door on the way I bumped into this one girl that spilled her drink I looked down and kind of got upset but when I looked up its like I was looking at heaven all over again.

She had the eyes that made u go wow. I says excuse me and grabbs tons of paper towels to whipe it up. While I was getting the mess up she grabbed my hand and says its ok I'll get it up. I dazed into her eyes and she had the perfect smile and when she touched my hand I can see fireworks flying over us like its magically appearance.

I asks her what's her name and she says Zyzy. I says nice to meet you shaking her hand gently. As the party goes on me and zyzy gets to know each other very well. I ask her "What school you go to I don't never see u at desoto. She says "Me and my family just moved over here yesterday and I start at desoto next week. Cool I says few mins pass by everything was going great until I hear hard beating on the door I told the DJ to stop for a sec.

Music scratches

I goes to the door and answer it was scarface sister and scarface oldest brother and his crew outside. I asks "can I help y'all" they looked at me and told me to step out. I close the door behind me and walks extra slow until there crew came and jacked me by my shirt and pushed me in the streets. I looks at them with a confused but ready for war look on my face.

Scarface oldest brother took off his shirt and got in the middle of the street with his fist balled up and says "Let's finish this once and for all". I looked at him and told him I didn't wanna fight and turnt around and I gt hit in the face so hard I fell on the ground. I gets up slowly and thinking to myself why now Jesus take the wheel. When I gt up I heard my house door open and I looked to see who it was but before I got a chance I gt kicked in my lip falling back to the ground.

I hurries up and gets on my feet I here's a loud scream and I turns around to see who it was it was zyzy I told her to go back inside and I got hit with a bat on my side that I falls down again in so much pain that I don't want to get up anymore but I did. Zyzy runs in the house screaming and runs to Dman and told him what happened he ran to Dsavage and Tray & Half of the Y.$.B came running outside. I looks at scarface oldest brother and winks at him I told him I will be back. I go inside the house full of pain but pride and goes to my room and throws on my basketball shorts and some running shoes with no shirt and ran out the room I stand at the door with my eyes close like I'm thinking but also confidential about what's going to happen with a smile on my face. I swung open the door and walks outside with everybody out there and Dsavage Tray and Dman with they shirts off. I looks at my boys cause they know what time it is. Dman was the first one to walk out there and fight. Dman was concentrating to hard that he fell and the dude tried to get on top but Tray kicked him off . When Tray did that it was just a big riot going we filled up the block then everybody just stopped and looked at me and scarface older brother. He says "If I win this our new block and u can't be around here or you will suffer the consequences".

I says "If I win y'all got to leave us alone and don't show ya face on my block ever again" he runs up swinging as fast as he can I'm weaving everything he throws until I gets hit from behind. He chuckles and says come on I gets up and look at the person who snuck me and smirks cuz Dsavage was right there and snuck him back. I turns around and see scarface oldest brother running towards me fast as lightening I picks him up and dunks him and starts punching him in his face then police pulled up I got off and ran straight to my backyard with Tray Dsavage Dman and Zyzy behind we runs in the house and gets cleaned up.

I go in my room and see zyzy just sitting there looking scared. I went to ask if she's ok she didn't answer. I hugged her and holded her tight that we end up falling asleep.

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