Betrothed to the Enemy

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Villain! Varian AU

Art by Chamiyokuri

Before we start, I want to thank PrincessJada240 for helping me with the inspiration for this oneshot. Her story, 'Betrothed to the Moon Princess' really helped me a lot.

So, Jada decided to combine our ideas together into one scenario and I agreed wholeheartedly. Her idea was to have the reader and Varian be childhood friends who are betrothed and to have Varian be a villain in this part, while mine was to have Varian and Lady Caine's crew come and pick up the reader since he wants her back.

Also, this one is a little longer than most oneshots I normally write, so fair warning.


You and Varian were best friends since you were little. You two were practically inseparable, no matter what happened between you two. Until the age of 12, you weren't aware that you were going to be getting married to him. He was quite flustered when his dad told him that you and him were getting married once you were of age. So, you both thought it would be wise to start dating while you were still young. Besides, it would help you both get used to being a couple until the big day came along.

Love soon began to blossom between the two of you. By the time you were 14, you and Varian were already going on dates like picnics and walks through Corona. When you were reunited with your older sister, Rapunzel, you couldn't wait to introduce him to her. She was happy to find out that you two were to be married and even happier to find out you and Varian were dating. Everything was just perfect for you and your favorite alchemist and nothing could change that.

Well,... until one day...

It happened during the snowstorm, but you weren't around to see personally what had happened. You came down with a bad cold and couldn't leave your bed or your room. Rapunzel and the others wanted you to rest until you were better. Varian didn't visit you after the storm cleared up, so you decided to visit him. But when you entered the house, you were horrified to see Varian's father, Quirin, trapped in amber. Varian walked in and saw you standing there, frozen. He explained what happened and his plan to fix it, but he held you in his house to prevent you from being caught in the middle of the fight. After the battle, Varian was arrested and put in jail for betraying your family. However, your mother, Queen Ariana, told you that your marriage wasn't going to be called off, which you were happy about. She let you visit him in his cell, hoping you could give him a change in heart. You brought him food, tried to make him laugh and comfort him. But, nothing changed his opinion or goals... and you knew that and were fine with that.


You were now 16 and feeling very alone. Varian had made a jailbreak with Lady Caine's goons a year and a half ago. Rapunzel became the new queen of Corona, but she was still the bubbly and adventurous young woman she was. Eugene was her husband and her consort, since he felt he wasn't ready to be king. Cassandra became the captain of the Royal Guard after her father retired. Your parents lived in the castle in a special wing, made for the former kings and queens. You were still a princess, but you served as your sister's backup when she was away. At least, you had a purpose and a duty.

You were packing a bag for a trip to the village when you saw Cassandra with the guards, moving towards the main entrance of the castle. You ran over to her and asked, "Cass, what's happening?"

She looked at you with a harsh stare and replied, "Varian and Caine are moving towards the castle. Your sister's in the throne room. Go to her."

You nodded reluctantly, hating the fact that your couldn't see your fiancée, Varian. But, you had to stay safe for your family's sake. Bursting into the throne room, you raced towards your older sister and hugged her, saying, "Raps, I heard Lady Caine and Varian are coming towards the castle."

"Yes, they are. They got past the guards that were positioned in the village, but hopefully, Cass and her men can handle them," she answered, a slight tone of panic in her voice.

A loud BOOM came from down the hallway, indicating that the intruders were now in the castle. You clung at your sister in fear, unable to process what had happened.

"Oh no, they overwhelmed Cass," You heard Rapunzel whisper while clutching your arms. The sound of footsteps reverberated off the walls of the hallway. It stopped for a moment before the doors to the throne room bursted open. You flinched at the loud noise, closing your (e/c) eyes.

You lifted your head back up and saw Caine and her gang walk into the room, swords in hands. They stopped after the foot of the steps before Caine herself spoke, "Hello, your Highnesses."

"Caine. Time hasn't changed you at all," Rapunzel said, trying her best to be polite and pleasant, as any queen should be.

"It certainly changed you. And I'm not just saying that because of the haircut."

"What do you want from us?"

"It's not what I want from you. Varian wants his sweetheart back... and he knows she wants him back," Caine answered, saying the last part with a sickly sweet tone while looking at you. Your eyes widened as your sister tightened her grip on you. Did Varian really come all this way for you?

"I'm afraid I can't do that. (Y/N) is as much needed here as..."

"I think that should be (Y/N)'s choice, Your Highness," A familiar voice cut her off before she could finish. Faint footsteps bellowed through the hall as they grew closer. You gasped at the person responsible for the response... and boy, you couldn't take your eyes off him.

Varian was as least a few inches taller than you. His once skinny figure was defined with slim muscles. His dark hair was longer and now tied up in a small ponytail, the chestnut highlights and the blue streak still remained. He still wore his teal shirt and tan trousers, but now had a maroon vest and black boots. A red sash hung around his hips, a pair of utility belts clamping it down. His chemical compounds and supplies were in his utility belts, probably as a last resort. A sword was sheathed and strapped to his side. A smug and cunning smirk crossed his lips, his sky blue eyes matching them perfectly.

"Varian. You've changed," Your sister gasped in disbelief as he walked closer to the group. His smirk widened slightly, which made a knot in Rapunzel's stomach. You, on the other hand, were blushing  like mad. You couldn't help it. Varian was cute then, but now... he was just... wow.

"I'm not the only one who changed," he replied before looking at you, his gleaming eyes softening. You smiled slightly, knowing deep down that you both still loved each other. He looked back at your sister and said, "Let (Y/N) decide who she wants to be and where she wants to go. It's her life..."

Rapunzel looked at you for guidance, to which you had a pleading look in your eyes. You nodded at her, telling her, without words, exactly what you wanted... and she was ready to take the emotionally damning blow.

Gently letting go of your arms, your sister sent you one last sorrowful look before you turned to Varian. Grabbing your (f/c) skirt, you carefully walked down the steps to meet your lover and his group of pirates. You took his gloved hand he had offered out to you before slowly pulling you towards him. Placing his hands on your cheeks, he leaned in and gave you a long, sweet kiss. You kissed back, melting into it instantly. You hated the fact that you had to pull away, but you both needed air. Resting your heads against each other, you looked at each other longingly.

Varian wrapped a strong arm around your waist before turning to leave, Caine and her goons following close behind. Before you all exited the room, Rapunzel then desperately yelled, "Varian, please! Take care of her. I don't want to lose her."

"You're not the only one who care about her safety. Don't worry so much," he hissed at her. He held you closer, your head now in his chest and your soft (h/c) hair wrapped around his fingers.

You were upset to leave your family and kingdom, even more with Lady Caine staring at you like you were devil spawn. But, you chose to be with the only friend and lover you ever had... and you were happy you did.


What did you think, Jada? I'm sorry if this wasn't what you were hoping for. I tried my best, but I can touch it up or rewrite it if you want. (I have 0 confidence in myself 🙏)

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