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So, this takes place when Varian is working with Andre and was trying to erase everyone's memories.

The reader is mute due to the death of her parents.

After locking the Reader and Rapunzel, Varian explains that he felt like he couldn't be forgiven. Especially by the Reader, who is his girlfriend. However, after he went back to the good side, the three come back together to stop Andre and his gang.

Also, there's a reference to Doctor Who for any of you fans of the show.



~Rapunzel's POV~

I couldn't believe that Varian did something like this. Especially, to (Y/N). The poor girl was heartbroken when she saw him standing with Andre. Even if she didn't say it, I could see it written on her face. She was trying to find a way to free his father, so that we could make amends with him. However, that didn't go as the two of us had anticipated...

I was currently talking to Varian about why he joined Andre's side and why he wanted to erase everyone's memories. Especially the (h/c) girl sitting in the back of the cell, who was curled up into a ball. I told him that I couldn't abandon my kingdom, especially since (Y/N) was very ill because of the weather at the time. I had to know whatever possessed him to do all of this, "None of these people did anything to you..."

"It's not what they did to me! It's what I did to them! And there is no way they will ever forgive me," Varian exclaimed out loud in frustration and sorrow, his back towards me and (Y/N)'s cell. I was astonished by that, knowing too well the guilt and pain that was eating him alive. I looked back at the girl, who now looked guilty when he said that. Poor (Y/N)... I could sense that she was upset for not staying to help Varian.

"How do you know if you don't give them the chance?" I asked as I turned back to look at him, my voice softer this time.

He continued what he was saying, "I took their queen prisoner... I threatened their princess... I helped these guys take over their kingdom... I... I broke my girlfriend's heart... Do you think anyone is going to give me a second chance? I don't think so. No, making them forget is the only way to fix what I've done."

I could've swore I heard a whimper and silent crying from the back of the room. I almost wished what I didn't know who's sob it was, it was that painful. I knew that (Y/N) still loved and forgave him, even if it was unforgivable.

Just then, Andre came into the conversation, saying that there was a change of plans. They were now planning to take the memory serum Varian made and dump it all over Corona. That way, the people won't remember the real king and queen, my parents, and they can take over. Varian then realized that he was on the wrong side of history and threatened them for hurting his lover, holding out a chemical ball. At least, we both thought it was...

Turns out it was a bath bomb...


~Varian's POV~

Man, I really screwed up. I thought Andre was trying to help me, but he was just using me for his own gain. Here I thought I could fix everything, but I ruined my chance... again. Now, I was locked in this cell with my girlfriend and Rapunzel. (Y/N)'s head was resting in my lap, now exhausted from all the tears she let out. What's even worse is that I was the one who made her cry...

Great job, Varian... First, you betray her and break her heart... then, you made her sob...

Rapunzel was trying to break the bars or at least, make the door bust open. Meanwhile, I was running my gloved fingers through (Y/N)'s hair. She didn't move as she slept, her breathing somewhat steady with the occasional shakened breath, a byproduct from crying. God, even hearing her do that makes me feel even worse than before.

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