Chapter Twenty Seven - When the Heart Breaks

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Mo Guan Shan should have known this day was going to come.  It had fucking arrived too soon, that one day he would have to come to a hospital because He Tian was badly hurt.  This time He Tian was still alive, next time?  Hadn't Tian already warn him that next time he would end up in the morgue?  He had fucking told Mo it was going to happen, and Mo had brushed it off.  He stood at the door to the Intensive Care Unit and was suddenly frozen with fear.  Mo feared little, but for once in his life he was terrified of what he was going to see when he opened that door, his hands trembled at his sides.

Fucking man up Mo Guan Shan.

Qiu ditched him, the man seemed reluctant to go into He Tian's ward.  The dude left Mo at the door and went to sit in the family room.  It was funny.....Mo kind of wanted the big silent gangster to stay by his side.  Not hold his hand or any shit like that, just stand by his side, because he wished with all of his might that his dad could be here to support him.

Mo eventually kicked himself up the ass and got his frozen body moving, he pushed through the door and went over to the desk to ask the pretty nurse where He Tian was.  After a few lies about his relationship to Tian, she showed him the door he needed to go through.  Mo gulped down his fear and entered the darkened room. 

In the centre was a hospital bed and in it was his heart.  Literally his heart was lying in that bed and he was covered in bandages, attached to drips, Tian had a tube in his mouth.  He couldn't fucking breath on his own?  Mo blinked back tears.

Belatedly Mo noticed He Cheng sitting beside the bed, his head was resting on his fist.    Cheng was so still, was he sleeping?

"He Cheng....". Mo spoke reluctantly, he didn't want to wake the man if he was exhausted.

"You're here."  Cheng's voice was hoarse, it sounded like the man was trying too hard to keep it all together.

Mo was initially hesitant when he approached the bed, but his feet soon carried him swiftly to He Tian's side where he cupped Tian's cheek reverently with a cool palm.  Then he lost it.

"You stupid shit!  Oh god why didn't you come home with me?"  Tears spilled from Mo's eyes and he put his head gently against He Tian's bare shoulder.  "I'm so sorry, please forgive me."  Tears dripped onto that bare shoulder, his words were soft in the quiet room.   Mo slipped his hand gently into his boyfriend's and clasped it tight.

"Listen to me shitty He Tian, you need to wake up so you can talk to me, tell me I'm dumb, tell me I make the best beef stew, I don't care just fucking wake up you bastard."  Mo swiped at tears with the back of his fist, because he could barely see.

"He's taking him away."  Mo jumped when He Cheng spoke, the man had been so silent up until then.

"What are you talking about?"  Mo lifted his head to look across He Tian's body.

"My fucking dad is gonna get Tian transferred to Hong Kong."  He Cheng sounded shellshocked.

"No!  What the fuck are you talking about?!  No, he can't do that!  Stop him, you're his brother!"  Mo didn't know a thing about He Tian's father, other than he had sent them to their Uncle's house and forced them to join the fucking mafia when they were only boys.  Now the bastard wanted to send He Tian to Hong Kong?

"I can't do anything Mo Guan Shan, he is Tian's legal guardian after all.  The hospital won't listen to me.  That's why I asked you to come quickly, because I knew you would want to see him." The desperate frustration He Cheng was feeling was telegraphed distinctly.

"What happened to him, why is he so fucked up?  He's...look at him...."  Mo touched the bandage on He Tian's head and then the large one around his chest.

After five minutes he wished he had never asked that question, because he had to sit and watch his boyfriend being beaten almost to death.  Mo's fingers gently touched the mobile phone screen where He Tian's prone body was clearly visible.  The body was completely defenceless.  Unconscious.  At this point that bastard grew bored of kicking his nephew and  he did something which Shan struggled to compute.  What was he....?  Mo leaned closer to the screen, he felt disgusted to his core, why was he watching something so sick?  It turned Mo's stomach until acid churned in his throat.

"Kill him."  The words tore out of Mo's mouth.

"You will not have anything to do with this, it's a family matter!"  Cheng's harsh words were hissed through clenched teeth.  "We will get bloody revenge for He Tian, but this is ours to resolve.  You will spend these last hours/days with him, then you will get out, go home.  Don't come back redhead, oh and if I ever see you anywhere near our office, I can't be responsible for what happens."  He Cheng strode across the room, opened the door and waved at someone Mo couldn't see.

"Qiu will collect you soon, just stay by my little brother.  He always thought highly of you.  You don't know how lucky you are to have my brother choose you, he rarely lets anyone in."  Cheng walked out, leaving Mo Guan Shan rocked to his core, he tried to think of words to shout after He Cheng, but his throat clamped shut.

How could things get fucked up so quickly?  It was karma.  Didn't they say that if you lead a good life, good things would happen?  If you lead a bad life.....karma fucked over those who deserved it?  He Tian didn't deserve....this, his boyfriend was a good person, a scary as fuck gangster, but he never deserved the life dished out to him!

Mo walked over and dropped into the chair by the bed, his hand crept back into He Tian's and he began a nervous, one sided conversation.

"Fuck your dad, he's a flaccid cock."  Mo scrubbed his free hand through his short red hair, making it stand up on end. 

"I bet if you were awake you would agree with me."  Mo fingers tried to comb through He Tian's hair, but they got tangled.  Shan failed to hide his horror at the blood which made the black satin locks crusty and matted, but no one was here to take the piss out of him, so he indulged in some slight hyperventilating.

"Shit.  This isn't your fault He Tian, you would take the world on your shoulders, but this is that asshole's fault.  Sorry."  Mo apologised without thought for squeezing Tian's hand too hard in anger.  Shit he felt like such an awkward dork.

"It's my fault too, if I had dragged you away this wouldn't have happened, I want you to wake up so badly so I can tell you I'm sorry for being such a stupid dickhead."  Mo's voice broke a little.  Normally the black haired menace would be planning retribution or revenge if Mo did something to piss him off.  It usually ended up in hot sex, ropes, toys, orgasms...  He liked that punishment much better than this deafening silence from his boyfriend.

Mo Guan Shan's one sided conversation ground to a halt, apparently his bedside manner stank along with his decision making.  Mo pulled out his phone (on airplane mode at the request of Qiu) and plugged his earphones in.  He spent the next five minutes skipping song after song, until he found one that He Tian liked the best, nodding his head he plucked out an earbud and placed it gently in his boyfriend's ear.

Mo felt stupid just sitting there listening to music with his comatose lover, but it just seemed like the right thing to do.  He lay his head on the bed as track after track played in Mo's ear, he held Tian's hand tightly in his and let the tears drip steadily onto the sheet beneath his cheek.


Hey All My Long Time and New Readers,

I hope you're all enjoying the way the story is going!  I am now that I have been brave and forged onwards towards...... that would be telling, hehehhe.  As usual I love comments, feedback, votes, they're all very welcome!

These characters belong to Old Xian.



Adversity is a Gift (19 days fan fiction) He Tian x Red HeadWhere stories live. Discover now