Doggy Daddy ♛

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Farrah's POV

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Farrah's POV

Jackson and I walked into the backyard, to find Max with a bunch of chickens.

"Mom says either I have to help you with your garden or 'read something." Jackson groaned, gaining the attention of the younger boy

"And I just wanted to see the chickens." I smiled, sitting down to look at them.

"Mom let you have chickens?!" Jackson asked, staring at them.

"Of course she did. I'm her favorite son." Max smirked, "Her face lights up every time I walk into a room."

Jackson rolled his eyes, "Mom loves us all the same."

"Does she though?" I questioned, pointing to the chickens.

Max walked up to Jackson and pat him on the shoulder, "It's so cute that you believe that."

Jackson glared at him, "You know I'm gonna go read something."

"No he's not." I said, continuing to play with the chickens.

After playing with the chickens for a while, Max and I met up with Jackson to make our way towards the living room.

"Mom, thanks for making me read. I just finished To Kill A Mockingbird. Oh, spoiler alert, they kill the mockingbird." Jackson said

"He didn't even open the book." I said, patting his shoulder

"Kids, we have a bigger problem. Cosmo swallowed a corn cob." Dj said, "Dogs can't digest something that big."

"I didn't know that." Max said, "I threw one for him to fetch."

"It's ok we just gotta take him to the clinic and get this corn cob out of there." Matt assured

"I'm coming with you." Max said, "and so are these two."

"Why do we have to go?" Jackson asked

"Because when I don't have my dog, you're my emotional support animal." Max said hugging Jackson, making me smile.

"Also, dogs are cuter than chickens." I added

"Steph!" Dj shouts, calling for her to join us

Steph made her way in, and I bent down to give Max a piggy back ride to the car while the others talked.


Jackson and I sitting in the waiting room chairs, while Max played with Cosmo. The poor boy was clearly worried for his dog's safety, making it hard for anyone to watch.

"Well, there is definitely a corn cob in Cosmo's belly." Matt announced, making his way into the waiting area to show an X-ray to Max.

"That's not the one I threw." Max said, "Mine was yellow."

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