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~Yoongi's POV~

I woke up surprisingly on my warm bed with a cold ass towel on my head and my hair was soaking wet by it. I sit up in my bed and suddenly felt the worst pain ever in my head. I grabbed my head and scrunched up my nose at the feeling of it. My brain feels like it's about to bulge out of my skull, and my body feels like complete shit. Oh yeah, I got drunk last night. How did I end up in my bed though?

I laid back down onto my pillow just to hear a piece of paper crumble under my head. Wait, paper? I lift a my head a little to reveal a sticky note and a written letter on it. I squint my eyes a little to adjust to read the note, it said:

"If you ever pass out on me again, don't expect me to act like so nice again. Be Grateful.
                     ~Love, Jiminie <3"

    Jimin? Oh yeah, Jimin. Oh shit-

    I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach as I looked over the letter again and looked over at my table to see that Jimin had gave me a water bottle and a pill sat next to it, which I'm guessing is for my headache. Hopefully Jimin isn't the type to drug someone and kill them.

    I take the pill and water and I gulp it all down and then I lay back onto my pillow and examine the room. Jimin wasn't in his bed or in our room. I wonder about what time it is, so I look at my phone and the clock reads 10:42 AM. Way too early for me to be up right now, especially with my throbbing head and sore body.

    I shift over onto my side and put the towel back on top of my head and I lay there staring at the wall. My head is in so much pain that I can't even force myself back to sleep. Usually I wouldn't have to force my sleep, but today I couldn't do it even if I was payed to. I'm never drinking again, I swear.

    Just as I was thinking, I heard the door fly open and I shut my eyes quickly to pretend to be asleep. A second passes and then I hear a loud scream fill the dorm room.

    "Shh!" I year Jimin say, guessing he's talking to someone else. "He's sleeping."

    "Aw," I hear Jin say softly "doesn't he just look so cute?" He said sarcastically and I could literally hear his eyes rolling.

    "He kinda is, isn't he?" I hear Hoseok say out of nowhere. How many people are in here?

    "Wha?" Jin shuffles around to look at Hoseok "you think he's cute? Does our Hobi have a crush?" Jin joked and then I could hear him shift across the room.

    "No, man" Hoseok laughed out loud and then went with Jin over to Jimin's bed. "But you can't tell me that he doesn't look adorable right now. You'd be lying if you said he wasn't, right Jiminie?"

    It was silent for a second but then I heard Jimin chuckle a little.

    "Yeah," He said "He is maybe a little cute right now." Oh my God, I'm in heaven. I smile at his words, Then they all went quiet and I could feel a hand go on my shoulder and push me over to face them. I faked like I was just now waking up and yawned as I looked up to see Jin.

    "Oh," I said "it's just you."

    "I knew you were faking!" Jin whisper screamed. The other two boys had left the room and it was now only me and Jin. "I can read you like a book. Why are you fake sleeping?"

    I showed Jin the note that Jimin had left and explained how I had gotten drunk last night. "Yoongi, alcohol isn't always a problem solver. Just talk to Jimin, maybe he's had a crush on you since day one and he's too scared to ask you out. Or maybe he's hated you since day one and I shouldn't be giving this advice to you of all people."

    Jin smacked my arm and I slapped it away, and then we both turned our heads to see the door opening and revealing Jimin. "Well anyways Yoongi, I hope you feel better, but I have to go feed my.. Namjoon." Jin winked at me and walked past Jimin and out the door leaving only us in the silent room.

    "Thanks for treating me so nicely.." I slowly said after gathering courage to speak up for once. It got silent again until Jimin finally spoke.

    "I questioned whether or not if I should even do it," Jimin walked to his bed, still not sparing a glance at me. "You know, considering you like to push people into walls when they didn't even do anything."

    "About that-"

    "You know, all I wanted to ask you was a simple question" Jimin looked up and locked eyes with me for the first time ever, and I felt my heart racing and face heat up quickly. "All I wanted was to ask you if I could play music, but you decided to push me." He sat there on his bed, still staring into my brown and now widened eyes.

    "Jimin.." I said, walking slowly to his bed and sitting next to him. "I honestly didn't mean to push you like that. I mean yeah, I did it, but I didn't mean to. It's just- I cant tell you why I did it, or else you'll see me as a completely different person. I'm sorry." I tried to explain, but jimin looked lost and angry.

    "If you're going to keep secrets, it's fine." He turned back to the door and started to walk out. "But you didn't have to physically hurt me just so that you could hide in your shadows."

    Now I know that this boy did not just try to walk out on me. Before he could completely walk out, I grabbed his hand and closed the door, pushing him against it and forcing him to look at me.

    "Park Jimin," I said angrily, looking straight into his beautiful big brown eyes. "For one,
I just apologized, and neither of us are leaving here until you accept my apology because I, Min Yoongi, does not apologize ever. So for you to just walk out on me like that, you must have some really big balls or a death wish. For two, I don't try to hide in shadows. I don't want to hide in shadows. But when you're born into such a crazy and un-normal family, you're forced to keep secrets. I don't have to keep it a secret, but I do it for everyone else's own sake."

    "Y-you probably are just over exaggerating this whole secret thing." Jimin looked down at his feet, which made me look down too, making me realize how close I was to him in this moment. I didn't mean to get all mad, but he just worked me up so easily. I wanted him to believe me. I wanted to tell him that I'm a werewolf. I wanted to tell him that he's my mate, and that we should be together. But I can't.

    "If only you knew."


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