I Know Your Secret | 29 |

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(Surprise mothafucca)

~Hoseok's POV~

I had known for all too long that there was something up with my friend Min Yoongi.

I sensed the familiar smell and had once seen his eyes change from his normal brown to a golden color when he had forgotten to put in contacts that morning. Contacts. He has to wear them for his uncontrollable eyes.

He would never explain why he wore contacts to anybody, but I knew already at the time.

He's just like me in a way. He wakes up every day and heads straight into the bathroom to put on the things that mask his true colors and he wears a dark coat of hate over himself but we all know the true Yoongi. He's got a heart.

We have all encountered the true form of Yoongi, but none of us have actually gone deep down to see the true Yoongi. The wolf Yoongi.

Now I'm no expert when it comes to things, but I know one when I see one. I just don't understand how Yoongi hasn't caught on and called me out for the same thing. Does he not sense it? Can he not feel it when I'm near?

I can't stand to not tell someone about who I really am. I hide behind all of this happiness and hope but I'm screaming for someone to just reach out and take my hand and let me spill all of my little and big secrets out to. I'm begging for someone who can relate, though.

And if anyone in this entire world could relate to me, it would be him. I don't think that he knows that I caught onto his little game of hide and seek, but I know that he is dying inside to tell everyone his secret and so am I.

He's probably dying to tell everyone that he's a werewolf and that his mate is Jimin and that he just wants them to still love him. That's right, I've known that Jimin was Yoongi's mate ever since we all moved in together. I don't know if he knew it or not because he hardly spoke to Jimin, but now I can see that they actually speak to one another and are now apparently boyfriends, I see the love that surrounds them both. It's in the air.

Now if only I could just tell him about myself and we could tell everyone else.

I know for a fact that the other members would accept me and Yoongi for who we are no matter what. We all love each other, we all help each other and feed one another. We live as a family. A family that will not abandon.

But Yoongi on the other hand is different from me, too. He thinks completely different thoughts and I can tell that he is scared. He's afraid that he will be rejected and thrown away. But what will they do? Throw both of us away? Then it wouldn't be Bangtan anymore. Sorry not sorry but if we are thrown out, there's going to be nothing. It wouldn't be the same.

Anyways.. That's my thoughts that all led up to me finally standing in front of Yoongi and Jimin's bedroom door. I shake my hands furiously and exhale as I finally reach up and knock hard on the door three times.

It takes about three minutes before Jimin is standing in front of me with a bright smile and glowing face as he looks up at me.

"Yes?" He says and I lean against the door.

"Can I talk to Yoongi?" I ask and he furrows his eyebrows at me. "It's important."

"Fine.." He says and opens the door wider to let me walk through. "I was hungry anyways." Jimin says as he walks into the kitchen.

I walk in and see Yoongi sitting against his bed frame. I close the door and walk over and cross my legs to sit on his bed in front of him.

"What?" He says and puts his phone down and looks up to see that it was me who was disturbing his precious phone time.

"I need to talk to you." I say in a serious tone. He sees that I am genuinely trying to have an important conversation so he puts his phone on his table and sits up straight. "What is it?" He says and I sit for a second to think.

I didn't think this far. What am I supposed to say to him? 'Hey I know you're a werewolf hahaha?' Yeah, no. This isn't easy at all UGH.

"If you're not gonna talk-"

"NO- I mean uh- I will, I was just thinking about how to say it." I cut him off and mentally face palmed as he jumped at my slight yell. "I- i know what you are, Yoongi.."

He looked at me for about thirty seconds with no expression and he finally laughed at my face. "Yeah, I'm bisexual, you caught me!" He laughed and surrendered with his hands in a joking way. I pushed him slightly hard against his bed and threw a pillow at him.

  "Not that, you meanie!" I pouted and crossed my arms together on my chest. "You know what I mean." I said and he sat back up with his pillow in his lap and a smile on his face.

  "No, I actually don't Hobi." He shrugs.

  "I know you're a werewolf." I said and his big sparkling eyes grow the size of the moon and his smile gets wiped off of his face in an instant. He stares into my eyes in confusion as I had just told him I knew his little secret.


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