GN Jiminie | 8 |

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~Jimin's POV~

I woke up in the middle of the night because I was tossing, turning and shivering. I was freezing in my bed, and Yoongi was resting peacefully. Oh yeah. Yoongi. I start to think about Yoongi a lot more than I usually would. Yoongi's secret was the most unexpected thing, but as I grew up, I learned that you shouldn't judge someone for the little things, and only cherish them for who they truly are.

That's why I took the big news so well. I mean I was scared as hell, and confused, but if I would've told Yoongi that, I would've upset him and made him feel worse than he probably already did. He protected me from that wolf. He didn't even spare time to think about attacking it when it lunged at us. He just ran towards the wolf and drug it to the ground like a football player would.

Yoongi didn't really look like the type to be fierce or to fight, but when he turned into the beautiful silky black wolf that he had been hiding for so long, he sure did beat some ass. He was bleeding a little on his arm when he turned back into human form, but I was too scared to even say anything to him. I panicked.

A/N ~What would you do if you just saw one of your acquaintances or roommate turn into a big bad wolf?~

I didn't know what to do when Yoongi told me he was a werewolf. I sat there for a second, taking it all in slowly. My mind processed fast but slow at the same time. It took in so much information that it just went blank. I want to make friends with Yoongi, I always have, and judging him wouldn't have been the best choice of actions to become his friend. I still do want to be his friend, and since I am his roommate, and since I now know his secret, he's bound to talk to me about some things eventually.

I look over at Yoongi who was facing my direction in his bed, sound asleep. He looks like the softest human to exist. There's no way he's really a werewolf. Maybe it was all a dream that I had? I don't really remember anything after he told me his secret. Oh God, did I just dream this whole secret thing? Am I going crazy? Maybe I should ask him.

I finally got up the nerve to stand up and walk to Yoongi's bed. His hair was fallen off of his forehead, and his cheek was squished against the pillow, making him look so chubby and squishy. He looks so cute like this.

Yoongi suddenly opened his eyes and looked straight into mine. I was just standing next to him, staring at him as he looked back at me. "What are you doing?" He asked with a low and raspy voice that made my skin tingle. Did he feel my stare?.. "I-I just wanted to check up on you." I stuttered, blacking away. Before I could fully turn around, Yoongi grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his bed, forcing me to sit next to him.

"You were checking up on me?" Yoongi questioned and I blushed a little at the sight of his messed up hair. I leaned over to ruffle it and fix it and Yoongi looked more confused than ever. "Yeah, I just wanted to know if you were awake." I faked a smile at him.

"You haven't stayed up all night thinking I was going to attack you or something and then try to kill me, did you?" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and scooted back onto his headboard, leaving me at the back of the bed. So he is a werewolf, I didn't just dream it. Well, now that I got my answer, I'm tired.

"No, Psh." I chuckled before standing up and patting his shoulder. "I was just making sure you were sleeping well. I would never hurt you." I smiled an actual smile and then hopped back into my bed, leaving Yoongi to silently roll into his bed once again.

"Goodnight, Yoongi." I said cheerfully.

"Goodnight Jiminie." Yoongi replied.

I smiled widely at the nickname he just called me. I'm glad the lights are off so that he can't see me smiling like an idiot right now. If he saw me, he'd probably think that I'm weird and want to never be my friend. I can't have that happening, not today.

Another short ass chapter lololol

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