Telling Jin | 9 |

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~Yoongi's POV~

    I woke up with the biggest smile on my face ever. I look over at my phone and click the button to turn it on to see the time. 9:43 AM? I never usually wake up this early in a good mood. The only time I wake up this early is when I'm forced to, and the only time I wake up in a good mood is when I've slept all day or finally had a nap after practice.

    Speaking of practice, I have like five hours until I have to go to the studio. What am I supposed to do until then? I'm wide awake and I'm in a great mood, so I can't go back to sleep. I guess I might as well eat breakfast with everyone else then. I put on a baggy gray T-shirt and black sweatpants and walk to the dining table and I sit across from Hoseok as everyone give me weird glances.

    "Yoongi?" Jungkook sounded confused and puzzled as he turned to give me a spoonful of eggs and some toast. "Why are you eating breakfast with us? I- I mean.. Don't you want to like- uh- sleep?"

    "Yeah!" Jin came from the kitchen with some napkins as he waved them towards my direction. "Who said I would allow you at my table at this time of day?"

    "I allow myself," I said confidentially as I smile a gummy smile and look back at Jin. "You know, seeing that this is also my house and also my chair and my table too."  I grab some jam and spread it across my toast. "Besides, maybe I'm just in a good mood today."

    "Today?" Tae questioned me. "Why only today?" He held his toast up to his face, licking some jelly off the side of it and waiting for me to answer.

    "Well," I thought about what I was going to say carefully as I spoke. "Let's just say, I'm gradually getting to be more free than I was before. Thanks to some people." I look at Jimin who is smiling at me with a slight blush and then I look over to Jin who looks at me with confusion and then he gasps, and runs over to me. He grabs my hand and then he runs over to Jimin, taking him with us to the kitchen for a private talk.

    "Well that was odd" I hear Namjoon say as I'm being dragged.


    "What do you mean you're in a good mood? And why did you look specifically at us? What happened? Is it what I think it is or is it something else?" Jin questioned with all of his might, trying to solve his questions on his own. "Are you- what happened, just tell me. I'm so confused."

    "I told him." I say, looking over at Jimin who looked confused.

    "You did?!" Jin squealed, and then jumped on Jimin and hugged him. "Yes! I'm not alone!"

    "I'm so confused." Jimin stated. "I didn't know that Jin knew about this whole thing, you didn't tell me." He looked at me with thoughts filling his mind.

    "You didn't even tell him that I knew about your hairy ass?!" Jin yelled at me. "You should've told me that you were going to tell Jimin anyways, why didn't you? You had plenty of time yesterday."

    "Shh" I said. "Keep it down, I didn't tell you because I didn't know I was going to. Another wolf attacked us, so it was either him know about the secret or us both die, you choose."

    "I choose life," Jin threw his hands up and hugged both me and Jimin in an awkward yet pleasing way. "I can't lose my two babies."

    "Jinnieeee" Jimin whined and tried to push away as I just stood there, used to the feeling, so I slightly hugged back. "Let goooo"

    "Fine." Jin let us both go and faced towards me. "Did you tell him about the whole-"

    "NO" I rushed to silence Jin before he could say anything about Jimin being my mate. I didn't want Jimin to know yet, he couldn't know yet. I don't want to put so much pressure on him all at once. Also, I'm scared that he will reject me. If he rejects me....

    "Oh," Jin looked down for a second. "Why not?"

    "Too much pressure on the pure innocent boy." I said and looked over at Jimin who was confused and a little triggered.

    "What are you guys talking about?" He whined more, wanting to know. "Why can't I know things? Is it about me? Don't talk so crucially about me, it's so ruuudee." He walked over to me and started lightly pushing my chest, trying to make me answer him.

    "Listen little baby, I can't tell you now but I will soon, so just be patient." I slightly push his head to back him up away from me.

    "I don't want to be patient and I'm not a baby." He crosses his arms and furrowed his eyebrows without meaning to, still looking like a baby to me.

    "You literally are a baby right now." I stated and patted his head, making it bop a little. "So cute." I grinned and Jimin sighed and walked back to the kitchen table.

    "Baby, huh?" Seokjin looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

    "Shut up" I laughed and walked after Jimin, and Jin eventually came back to sit at the table.

    "What happened?" Hoseok asked as we all came back in.

    "Yoongi started his man period, whoops sorry not sorry, secrets out." Jimin said, shrugging his shoulders and then laughed like an angel.

    "Man period?!" I yelled. "The only one having man periods here is Seokjin!"

    "Hey!" Jin yelled back. "Don't drag me into this argument! I'm a man of my own kind!"

    Everyone laughed along with Jin as we all began to finish up eating and went to our rooms. There's still four hours left until practice, so I naturally went back to writing music, feeling happy and no longer having any writers block. I feel like I could write a whole novel right now because I'm writing so many lyrics. Hopefully these will be good enough for everyone else though. Maybe they'll enjoy it just as much as I do. Maybe they'll relate to them just as much as I do too. And maybe one day I'll get the courage to tell Jimin that he's my mate. Maybe one day..


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