Happy Birthday | 26 |

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~Jimin's POV~
(Happy late vday)

"Baby.." I hear a soft voice say and feel a hand shake my body. I curl up and feel the warmth of another person but I just drift back to sleep. "Baby, wake up. It's ten in the morning."

"Five more minutes!" I yell sleepily and shove the person holding me. Wait- person holding me.. I shoot my eyes open and see Yoongi looking down at me smiling.

"I'd give you five more minutes but then we would be late to Tae's birthday party." He says and rolls me onto the floor. "Now get up."

"Ow.." I rub my hip and then look up to see Yoongi holding out his hand to me. I take it and he helps me stand up and he kisses my cheek. God how can I get used to this feeling?

I never would've expected to be the boyfriend of Yoongi, or anyone honestly. I had been dragged down for so long that I thought that there was no hope for me. So when Yoongi confessed to me that me, Park Jimin- was his mate, I had never felt so happy in my life.

We walked together hand in hand on the way back to the house. Jin had called us every two minutes to see how close we were and every time he would call, Yoongi would hand me the phone because he didn't want to do the talking.

I felt so secure when he held my hand. I felt so loved and wanted and I just know that he appreciates me and I had been telling him for the past ten minutes that I was so happy with him. Happier than I usually am. I was actually glowing as we walked into the house.

"Someone's happy." Jin said as we walked in, Yoongi let go of my hand and whispered to me that he wanted to talk about telling other people about us later. He didn't want to take away the attention from Tae on his birthday.

"I'm just happy that Tae is growing finally." I said as I ran up to Taehyung and hugged him tightly around his waist. He hugged my neck because our height difference was a little weird.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Tae said and I stuck out my tongue. "It means maybe you'll finally be mature besides still being a little kid all the time."

"You're one to talk." Kookie appeared and grabbed Tae and pulled him away from me.

"You too!" I said to him and Yoongi put his arm around my shoulder.

"You're all babies." Yoongi said and looked at me. "Especially you." He winked at me and I blushed a dark red.

"A-anyways, what are we doing?" I asked and Tae's face brightly lit up.

"We're going out to eat!" He squealed and jumped up and down happily. "It's this new place that opened a month ago and I've been dying to try it. Jungkook, you do remember where it is, right?" He asked and Jungkookie nodded.

"Good." Namjoon said, coming out of nowhere. "Let's go then, I'm hungry." He said and opened the door.

~Taehyung's POV~

"Happy birthday to you..." Everyone started to sing to me. I felt so loved by everyone as they cheerfully screamed out my name and I blew out the candles on my cake. I appreciate this.

I can't help but wonder what would have happened if BTS weren't a group. I can't help but wonder what would've happened if I had never met my one true love..

That right. I'm guilty. I am indeed in love. With one of my bestest friends. And it's a guy.

Don't get me wrong, I know it's not bad to like the same sex, I just never thought that I would get caught up so easily.

I didn't realize that I was so attached to him because I loved him. I thought I just liked him as a friend, not anything more. But..

  One night I had a really hard time sleeping. He had taken all of the pillows from my bed so I went over to him and I poked him, telling him to give me my pillow back. I like to sleep while hugging my pillow, so I wasn't going to back down. He told me that he didn't want to give me back my pillow. So... I got on top of him and I hugged him instead.

  We cuddled that night. All night and even when we woke up, we still stayed like that.

  I remember waking up and seeing his cute bunny smile and his eyes crinkled as he smiled at me. And that was the moment that I knew.. That I liked Jungkook.

  "You know, Yoongi.." Jimin randomly said as we were eating. "I used to be scared of you when we first roomed together."

  "What?" Yoongi looked at him with a 'what the hell' face. "Why? What did I do?"

  "I mean- I used to think you were really mean and soulless but now.." He looked nervously down at his plate and shoved food in his mouth. "Now you know I'm wonderful?" Yoongi said and Jungkook started laughing at the two. He's so cute- UGH!!!

  I want to yell "WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME" but then I'd be embarrassed and rejected. But sometimes I can feel him staring at me, and I can feel how comfortable he is when I'm around. Sometimes.. I think I have a chance.


  "Tae..?" Jungkook said lightly as he walked into our bedroom. Me, Kookie, and Hobi all share a room and we always play video games and laugh a lot. I'm pretty sure that we are the loudest room of all, but it's fine. We know our limits most of the time.

  "Yes, Kookie?" I say and sit up in my bed and face him. He was wearing a black and white stripped long sleeve and black skinny jeans that showed off his muscular thighs and white shoes that was all topped with his gorgeous face and personality. Damn I'm in deep.

  "I- uhm.." Be blushed lightly and then quickly sat next to me on my bed and then he looked up at me with soft eyes. "I wanted to know.. if you- Oh, screw it." He said confidently and he grabbed my head and pulled me in and kissed me with pure love and gentleness.

  I felt his soft lips and it took me by surprise. Is Jungkook really kissing me right now? Is this real? Imagination? I pinch myself hard on my arm and then I gasp at the sting. Jungkook takes the opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth and grabs my waist to pull me in more to deepen the kiss.

  I could feel butterflies and I felt like I was literally living on a cloud at the moment. I had dreamed about this moment before, I'm not going to lie. But this is a million times better than the dream. This is real. Jungkook is really kissing me right now, and neither one of us are stopping anytime soon.

Wink Wonk 😉



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