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Hoseok's eyes now focus on a male besides you as his smiles widely.

"Hey I know you! You are namjoon from the kim pa-"

As hoseok want to finish his sentence, his words turns into muffles when namjoon run to him and close hoseok mouth by his hand.

"What the fuck! You can't say like that in front of a human!"

Namjoon whisper yelling to hoseok while hoseok struggling to remove namjoon's hand from him. Hoseok licks namjoon palm and immediately namjoon moves his hand from hoseok.

"What the f- gross!" Namjoon yells and slaps hoseok's arm. Hoseok run from namjoon and hide behind you while you are now laughing so hard because of the sight. You find it cute.

"She already know that we are exist!"

"Oh really? And I'm not surprise if you are the one who tell her!"

Both men starts to bicker and already forget about the girl. You watching them in awe as you says to yourselfself, wow another werewolf.

They starts to become more aggressive when both of them start pushing each other and you find the sight is not cute anymore.

"Hey, stob it!"

You raises your voice and both men freezing on their own spot. You go to namjoon and take his hand in yours.

Namjoon right now is blushing so hard. He looks away from you so you can't see his red face.

"Hey namjoon, it's okay. I won't hurt you and tell people about you guys." You says while your thumb rubbing his hand.

The aggressive namjoon that almost want to punch hoseok in the face now turning soft because of you. He clears his throat and looks at you in lovely way.

"Don't you scare of us? We're not human."

"I'm not." You replies to his without hesitation. Namjoon sighs before he pulls away his hand from yours.

"I'm Kim Namjoon, the leader of kim pack."

and your mate,

"It's great to meet you, Y/N."

He really want to say those words but he's  too shy.

Maybe later, when the dork is not here, he thinks as he send glares towards hoseok and hoseok rolls his eyes. Before you could reply to namjoon's, hoseok come to you and grabs your arm. He make both of you sit on couch while namjoon eyes shift into red color for seconds then turns into his brown eyes back.

I will send yoongi to get rid of him, he mentally do a note for himself before sit on empty spot beside you.

Trivia 承: Love | RMWhere stories live. Discover now