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Namjoon close the door behind him with his leg harshly. He is not in the mood. Not when hoseok is staying over your house while namjoon need to go back home. He curse his hyung. If it's not because of him, he can stay longer with his mate. His eyes shift into red color when the thought of you alone with hoseok across his mind.

"hyung, I'm back," Namjoon shouts as he takes off his shoes.

"I know," Jin replies from the kitchen. Namjoon stomps into the kitchen to meet his hyung. His eyes are glossy as he is holding back his tears and his urges to go back to your house and beat the jung guy.

He sits on the chair, arms crossing on his chest like a child. Jin look at him with his eyebrow raised.

"Joon, what's wrong?" jin asked. He put his spatula on the counter and facing the boy completely. Namjoon at this time could not hold his tears anymore. He starts to cry, tears streaming down on his face. Jin freeze on his place, shocked at the sight though it's not his first time see the leader crying.

Jin takes off his pink apron from his body and throws it on the chair beside namjoon. He kneels in front of the leader before open his mouth to speak.

"hey, joon. What's wrong?" jin ask the same question as before.

"i-I don't wa-want to be her-re. I wa-want to be wi-with my mat-te."namjoon says between his sob. Jin doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know where to find you. he tries to calm down the man but it did not work. Suddenly, jin spook when he heard namjoon snarling. His sobs before already dying. His eyes now are in purple color.

Damn it. He's fucking mad right now.

If red is the sign of anger, then purple is worse than anger.

"where.is.yoongi?!" namjoon ask with his alpha voice. Jin tries to not effect by the voice but fail. Namjoon is an alpha and he is the leader of his pack. When he uses his alpha voice, let say it's better we listen to him.

"a-at his room." Jin stutter while his eyes look everywhere but namjoon. Namjoon closes his eyes and inhales before scream the pale man's name.


A loud thud can be heard from the upstairs. In second, the pale man is in front of namjoon. The pale man panting slightly, he is sleeping until he heard an alpha voice screaming his name and made him fall from the bed.

yoongi look at jin that kneeling on the floor in front of the leader. He mouth 'what was happened?' to the older. Jin shrugs his shoulders before focus to the person in front of him.

Yoongi averts his eyes from the older to the leader. He opens his mouth to speak.

"yes, alpha?" yoongi ask the leader. There's a short silence before the leader opens his mouth to reply.

"Bring me jung hoseok. Dead or alive, I don't care. " said namjoon sternly with tears no longer fall from his eyes.

No one can touch what mine.

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