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Dany fall asleep on the couch with her notebook in her lap. She was writing until late at night while she was drinking the full glass of wine. It was around 10 am when she woken up by the gate bell. A courier stood there.
"Good Morning. Miss Targaryen?" He started politely.
"Yes." She smiled while he was giving her an envelope. "Thank you"
"Miss. I... have to bring your answer too. Would you please ... open it?"
In that moment she was sure about who sent the letter. If he wants an answer she will give him one.
"Do you have a pen?" She smiled to him.
He nodded and gave one to her.

"Tonight? J" his message was short and clear. Just like her answer.

"No." She made a face, fold the paper and put it back to the envelope. "Thank you." She smiled at him and left him there.

What the fuck he is thinking. He live happily with his girlfriend then when he is boring he order her for a good fuck. No. She won't give him that pleasure. He can fuck himself but not her. She is not a toy. She never will be. She learnt many things from her relationship with Daario. She always did what he wanted. Always tried to please him. Always put himself first. She won't do it again. Never. Especially not for Jon. Who the hell is he for her? A no one. A liar. She was so done with him.

In the afternoon she was ready for the party. She put on the red dress what Jon left to her after their first night. Why not. At least that dress was an amazing one.


"Wow. That house is... " Dany and Robb arrived to the party and Daenerys was amazed. Robb did not mention his friend also that wealthy. She was more happy about the dress she chose.
"Don't worry. They are not snooty." Robb smiled and put his arms around her shoulder. They entered to the house. There were many people around. Talking, dancing, having fun.
"Damn I feel like I am in collage again." She laughed.
"Yes I know. Come. Let's drink something" he held her hand and guided her to the kitchen.
"Robb. Buddy." Ramsay greeted them.
"Hi." Robb smiled and looked at Daenerys.
"Wow. Your taste is still perfect. Who are you beautiful?" Ramsay smiled to Dany and gave a kiss to her hand.
"Daenerys." She blushed.
"What a wonderful and unique name, just as the owner. If you get bored of this one just call me." He smiled and caressed her hand.
"Okay." She was embarrassed. She doesn't even know him and she was sure he already imagined her body naked.

The party was quite good after that conversation. Dany and Robb were dancing together. She had a wierd feeling all night but she was sure it is maybe just the many stranger around her. She looked around many times... she knew it is nonsense. Jon cannot be there. He just got into her head and it was hard to forget him. Especially when she drunk a bit. Ramsey suddenly appeared at her back and started to dance with her, pushing his groin to her butt. Dany looked to Robb.

"Ramsey, rather give us some more drink." Robb poked his shoulder.
"Come. You get the best." He waved with his hand and started to walk away from the kitchen. Dany hesitated but Robb held her hand.
"Don't worry." He pulled her with himself.
They went upstairs. When Dany saw there were many people around at upstairs too, she cooled down.
They entered to a room.
"I am here bitches" Ramsey entered to the room. "Joffrey, Thormund, Tyrion" he pointed to the men in the room "oh and Melissandre."
Dany was smiling to them but they were all so... weird.
"Ladies first" he turned to Dany and shown her the table. There were white powder on it. Many. Her eyes were widen.
"Come on baby. Do not tell me you never do this." Ramsey laughed.
"No. I... think I skip it." Dany said quietly.
"Just a bit. It is coke. You're just gonna feel yourself better" Robb leaned to her ear. "Dissolve the inhibitions. Help to... calm down and feel yourself better"
"Don't be a candy-ass cunt" Ramsey told to her while they were all laughing about her.
"Robb always picks the boring ones." Melissandre was leaning to the table. Her breast was almost clearly seen.
"I just don't do drugs. That is all" she frowned.
"We neither. Just at parties." Robb answered. "Don't worry I take care of you.
"But I don't want to." Dany was still withstood.
"Okay. One try. If you won't like it, fine." Ramsey still trying to convince her.

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