New rules for all

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Manik came back to his mothers chamber in half way calling everyone to come back. All came back.
"Kshama MA sa I need to ask them one question"
"Why did you all stopped Hema when she was punishing and slapping Nandini?" Manik asked all his four wives

Leelavati was turned to them "Yes why didn't you stop her? Manik is your husband for god sake" she shouted on all
"MA sa! Till now I was away from all this thinking I was doing wrong in keeping them away from me, but no I am wrong, I know my mistake now, from now I have some rules which you have to follow:
1.each one should respect others inspire of number and age, if any one cross limits and disrespect other they will be punished for two days in kalkotri
2. If any two fights what ever be the matter or issue I don't care, both will stay in kalkotri for one week one I mean it no one will disrespect Nandini from this moment she will be equal to me, who ever disrespects her will be standing in front of my chamber for whole day on one leg with out food water and chappal.
4.if hear complaints on each other or MA sa came to know any complaints I will make you all clean garden yourself "
"For yesterday fault and your misbehaviour with Nandini you all will serve mothers like cleaning their rooms, giving them required things, serving them food, comforting them by pressing their legs inshort you all will be dasis for mothers for ten days"
All gasped in fear but agreed
"Hema and Latha will serve Badi MA sa, minavathi will serve MA sa, other two will serve choti ma sa"
"Me?" Nandini asked
All looked at her amusement "you will get sever punishment by our son go with him now" Radhabai said with tint of mischief which Manik got it, while Nandini gulped in fear.

Manik and Nandini are in their room, Nandini is like scared deer, looking at Manik in fear, Manik took deep breath came near her she took two steps back, he took one step towards her to reach, she again took two steps and hit the wall Manik smirked held his hands on either sides of her, she lowered her gaze

Manik looked at her "look at me" he shouted she nodded no
"I said look at me" he said with cold voice
Nandini slightly looked at him and closed her eyes in fear,
"I won't repeat again come on open them" she did so
"What hell do you think you are? Why did you accept the challenge?"
"Why shouldn't I?"
"She is playing tricks"
"I know"
"Then why did you accept"
"To stop you from war"
"War leads to somany people death not just her family which I don't want, at least not because of me"
"She needs to learn lesson"
"She needs to stop all this madness that's it"
"Which she won't"
"That doesn't mean we can punish soldiers for this who are innocent"
Manik hit the wall in anger, she hissed in pain, he looked at her in surprise, she took his hand which he hit the wall , and started to blow air to comfort him. He left her hand in anger
"You should not harm yourself like this Hukum"
"Then stop irritating me"
"I just said truth, Hukum leave angry think wise"
"Fine" he took deep breath "your punishment is to win in this competition by all means, if you loose I will go on war, whatever be the situation I don't care"
"Hukum you can't"
"Then show me by winning"
"Hukum" she gasped
"I know that in your tiny brain you already fixed to loose it and make Hema win which I know that is why you accepted this stupid challenge, but I want to show how much smart I am now, if you loose I will go on war I am serious, I can even take oath" Nandini closed his mouth "no hukum no I will win"
Manik smirked. Nandini felt sad as her plan was backfired

Manik kept his both hands on his hips and looked at her "now tell me why didn't you tell me about all this yesterday?"
"As I said before I don't want to say or make other listen such appropriate words about you, not even to you" she got tears "it's all because of me I made her anger"
"No she acted stupid unnecessarily"
"I don't know she is such possessive about children"
"She is not"
"She just want to punish you for the dinner which served you, which I forced her to do so"
"Then you should have avoided"
"I am Yuvaraj don't forget it, I can do whatever I want to do" He without further warning dragged her pinned her to wall again and kissed her harshly, this Nandini too started kissing him with same favour.

Manik lifted her one leg made it entwines with his waist and just entered harshly "this is your punishment which choti ma sa said earlier" Manik said again kissing her, she moaned in his kiss

Nandini lifted her other leg and hugged his waist with both legs her body is firmly held between wall and Manik's body her waist is held by him, he is making her jump on his hard member, while grinning with pleasure "aaaa Nandu this heaven" she held her back like an arch Manik got his head down and started rubbing his face on her soft milky boobs. Both started patting heavily as pleasure is building up high.

When Manik felt it more, he took her to bed and he stood straight made her be on edge and lifted her a little and started to give her really hard thrust with more pleasure and pain Nandini couldn't take more she screamed "Hukum" and felt her orgasm, Manik without giving her time started grinning more and he too spill the seeds bit by bit with every single moment of pleasure.

Both collapsed on bed smiling "its heaven to make you scream my name" Manik said kissing her forehead. She hugged him back. Both slept for a while to relax.

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