Shame full

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Manik gained consciousness but his whole body is still under repair. The place where arrow was hit, and the place where Nandini gave cut and the place where doctor tested all are still to heal.

Manik's all wives including Hema came to see Manik, his daughters are besides him talking to him playing with him. His mother once talked to him, made sure he is already left him to Nandini and doctor to take bath and eat something as from three days they are besides him.

Chauhan's too left, Parth hugged Manik and felt so much emotional "Yuvaraj!!!! You should never do as such, one lakh people including me are depending on you, how could you just be such reckless??? And I am sorry that I failed you in keeping mahal under control"
"Parth shut up!!!!! Did that person alive or dead?"
"Dead, do you expect him to be alive when you yourself as thrown Kangar?"
"I will investigate this personally"
"No n Ed I know who it is why it is, I will talk to king"
"Are you sure Yuvaraj? I will help you say me name I will torture them to show how the hell  specifically will be at earth"
"I will one day I will show don't worry" Manik said with frown
"Yuvaraj!!!!! Don't say me what I am thinking is correct?" Parth gaped
"Go Parth don't peek into my mind go you are stinking" Manik scratched his nose.
"May be ok I will leave"Parth got up to leave but stopped
"My sister was so wise, she herself brought doctor, but....... I want to take her to my house till she give birth to children"
Manik looked at Parth bewildered "no Parth I won't allow"
"I will keep her safe Yuvaraj"
Manik felt ashamed still maintained composed face "still no"
"I am not saying that you won't protect her, if as such things happen? You should and must be safe then anything in this world and you are risking your life for her it's better I take her and protect her with my life" Parth bargained
Manik looked at Parth who is serious "go home take bath first and I am not sending her anywhere not now not anytime sooner, go it's my order"
"Then promise me that you will be safe Yuvaraj" Parth demanded
Manik looked at him took deep breath "Ok I will be safe when I know who is it then it's my duty to be safe and keep the three safe don't worry go home"
Parth with heavy heart walked away.

Manik saw something different in Parth eyes. The concern the fear the care is evident but slightly anger too. Manik even noticed helplessness why he didn't understand.

King called Manik's all wives,
All came to visit him. Hema is still recovering. Her anger is on peak.
"Choti bahuranisa!!!! What wrong you did?"
Nandini came forward did Pranam, "father!!! I am ashamed that I disobeyed your orders twice, I too control of situations, I ran out of mahal without your permission, I raised sword on didisa, I stopped your attack on her, and so many. I request you as king and father to punish me as hard as you can but I have small submission"
"What is it?"
"I beg you father don't keep me away from Hukum"
King took deep breath "what is important you didn't mention?" He frowned
Nandini tried to recollect and then said "I couldn't recall father"
King nodded in disbelief "you tried to kill yourself and my grand children twice" he gritted
Nandini kept her head low "I pardon father but that was purely under circumstances and accept my punishment too"
"Good!!!!!"He felt satisfied
"You should always keep in mind that Yuvaraj don't spare any sort of damage to you, he took such a danger on himself to keep you safe Means this life you are breathing is his own you cannot disrespect it, and I bring king don't tolerate it, for that as a punishment from now on you will have two gay bodyguards, three more khas dasis, you will do all works Yuvaraj and keep him safe and healthy, he should and must recover till full moon"
"I will father"
" one more fact forgot, why did you asked ranisa to make Hema free and don't punish and even keep this topic away from Yuvaraj why?"
For girls father, they are ready for marriage we shouldn't play with their future"
"How dare you to say such thing about my children?" Hema roared
"How dare you to raise your voice in front of me" king shouted.
The lady soldiers came held Hema tight and waiting for king's order. He signed to go away the left her free.
"Till I say to speak no one will dare to speak" king ordered.
"So for children you requested?" King questioned
"Yes father, and I don't even want Hukum feel stressed about this situation in such medical condition, I want him to be happy while recovering"
"You are saying we should keep Yuvaraj in dark about his own wife?" King questioned
Nandini bewildered she is taken back she thought for few seconds "I don't dare to father, if didi sa discuss this with Hukum I can't stop her same way if he demands this to her I am no were to stop, but.... as my mothers and you as my father I just can beg to make my husband happy and stressless that's all"
King laughed. All looked at him in mesmerising way
But king knows what she said is a twisted truth. He again laughed Nandini too smile little.

King turned to other wives "so you three, what were you all three doing while Yuvaraj is so serious?"
All three looked confused and said "we cried panicked shocked and prayed" they answered.
"Ok" he just nodded then asked "Latha bahuranisa you want to become queen I heard it if it is true is this way to handle situations? Specially when situations are this worse? Just by crying praying and panicking can make situation best?" Or reacting to the situation in proper way to make things work?" King asked them
They all looked at him as if he asked something which is impossible but Latha said "Nandini never gave us opportunity"
King got up from his seat in anger "did Badi bahuranisa gave choti bahuranisa any opportunity??? Still she didn't fought for with her and make things best, she even took her life in risk twice, why didn't to snatched opportunities from her as she took from me and Hema?"
Latha got shock, she kept head low as she didn't have any answer and shame.
Next two never spoke
King huffed in announce he turned to Hema "so now you say why did you stop her from meeting Yuvaraj? Why did you attacked her when she brought doctor to treat him? Why? Why want to kill her and her children? They are my grand children did you forget? How dare you?" King roared Hema flinched in fear but then took deep breath "she is the main reason for Hukum to be injured, she already ate her whole family, that is why she should die, a killer children can never be a part of royal family so they don't have any right to breath" Hema said with venom
King took his sword and lunged to Hema with anger, Nandini is shock and furious for calling her children such.
King kept his sword on her neck "one more word on my grand children I will forget you are my bahu and a lady, come on kneel" king said in dead cold voice
He turned to Nandini "you want to save this lady?"
"If you give me permission can ask didisa a word"
"Didisa!!!! They are not your children??? They are Hukums blood for god sake don't you feel anything for them?"
"If Hukum sleeps with a dasi or nagarpalika (prostitution)and give brother a kid will they become his children and I will become badi MA?" She said with smirk
Nandini took her Kangar and kept on Hema stomach with anger, but seeing king she took it back Nandini got tears, she took her feet back

King looked Hema with disgust "Hema!!!!! You never deserved to be queen , but  today you don't even deserved to be a human being, I already twice warned you to respect Nandini she is my gurus grand daughter, Yuvaraj warned you may times, she is Manik's wife, still you got nerve to say such words? That too infront of me???? I will show you what happens when you disrespect me, I will declare you from this moment as an ordinary lady, I take oath to let you never become queen in your life time, you will be kept in your wing as punished with just a single low level lady to serve, unless it is your daughters marriage you are not allowed to see anyone or meet anyone, after their marriage you will be physically punished, you will never wear chappal, you are not treated as royal lady, so you will not allowed to come to anyone chamber, puja room kitchen or any royal houses, you will be shifted to west wing, you won't see Yuvaraj nor your daughters, you will not be given food on every full moon day, no moon day, and all your messengers birds, men and females will be killed this moment, just because of choti bahuranisa you are alive, if not I would have hanged you in middle of street" king said with cold tone shiver ran through each person present

Hema became pale, she is numb listening to this, "no father you can't do this to me I am future queen" she cried
"Guards drag this low class lady from my sight" king roared
Hema held king's legs "no father no please I am sorry I will beg you please"
King signalled they took her away while crying.
King turned to Nandini and said in very dangerous tone "didn't your father ever explained you that we should never feed a venomous snake? Then how come you did? Your self respect is the only thing which you should respect about, today she dare to speak about my grand children as such is only because you, you gave her that liberty, beware Nandini,I will never spare you if you don't maintain it, go away everyone I don't want see your faces, specially yours Nandini" king said with pain and shame.

Nandini came out as dead body; never in her wild dream she thought she will be hearing such words about her children, her taking back step was for family unity she felt,but no king's words teared her soul. She started to go away but king stopped again "choti bahuranisa my last and final warning to take best care of my Yuvaraj and my grand children they are this kingdom property, we don't have any right on them we only share duty this whole thing is shameful still I don't want you to stress and cause any disturbance to their lives, and never ever let others take advantage of your goodness and kindness act like queen which you will be" saying this king dismissed her

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