Disappointed in Nandini

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Manik is still unconscious, the doctor whom Nandini brought checked Manik, she turned towards her , she asked him to be placed in open space so that he will be given heat therapy as poison reached whole body, she asked people to arrange burning coal and she even asked for a rolling iron machine.

King arranged everything. Parth came running knowing that Manik is hit by arrow, Chauhan's too came. Nandini seeing them asked "bhai'sa how do you know?"
"Bahuranisa I am ministers son, and Yuvaraj friend don't worry this news won't go out of mahal" parth ensures her.

Doctor explained "king!! I will place Yuvaraj on the roller machine and under it burning coal will be placed we will roll Yuvaraj in that machine, due to heat the body will release poison from his mouth, when his body become normal we will remove him, it will take more than a half day, the poison which is in Yuvaraj body is of scorpions poison which won't release easily, but...." she paused
"But what?""""" Nandini asked with tension.

"I don't give guarantee, as this is from desert the scorpions collected poison which most dangerous"
Nandini fell down on ground with thud. All looked at her, Siya held her tight
"Hope god bless him with my ages but I want you to pray for him king" the lady completed
Nandini wiped her tears. "Bhaisa!!! Call all royal pandits and ask them to pray Mruthyumjay mantra till Yuvaraj wake up, babasa!!!! Send a person to my village and bring, Mr.Ranganatha charry, ask him to perform yagnam."
"Father, as Yuvaraj don't have son as father can you sit in yagnam?" She almost begged " please"
"We will" Leelavati said in hurry.
Nandini turned to Latha "as I am pregnant I can't perform any puja, can you go to mandir and perform puja?" She nodded.

Nandini after that she came out, Manik is place on bed out side his wing to do treatment. coal is burning, Nandini looked at Manik and then coal she just took the hem of her lehanga and started to walk on burning coal, Siya who saw it started shouting "bahuranisa Stop" she tried to stop Nandini, with red eyes looked at Siya as tigress, "dare you to stop or touch, I will strangle you now" she started walking
Listening to Siya shouts all came out running , seeing Nandini walking on burning coal, all elders got angry Radhabai ran to the end took Nandini arm and made her stand away "MA sa !!! Let me walk, just two more" She again ran to walk, but Radha bai held her tight.

King came to Nandini with horrified anger shouted "you mad women are you planning to kill my grandsons too along with you, what do you think of yourself?, that these children are just your property to take decisions? No one lakh people future depends on that child and you are just like that ruins it? What do you think being as king or Yuvaraj is a previlage right? No it's duty it's responsiblity, what do you think I don't know how Yuvaraj is suffering with this useless doll on name of wives, on name war how dangerous he has to play with life and hard it is to his own his small necessities too are geoparisided every time? Still he is born for them, same goes with these children. I love girl children still I am praying god for a male kid so that out in kingdom everyone present under my roof get a strong leader to protect them provide food and shelter. You have no right to ruin so many lives with your strong head decisions. Ranisa lock her in her wing till Yuvaraj wakes up and monitor her health"
"No no no father I can't leave Hukum and go please" Nandini held his legs in horror
"Then go, take bath, eat food take medicine sleep and come back, be presentable. Go"
"Father but"
"Just go already, you two take her in and do all things, make her presentable when Yuvaraj wakes up he should find her in one piece, you bahurani! He is on bed because he saved you, what will he do when he wake up and find you as deadbody will he be happy? Won't he kill himself again? what do you think his life already in gutter, only in you he got happiness and you want to snatch it away from him and I will let you do this? Let once Yuvaraj wake up I will make him punish you very hard. You are not less than that Hema. She without love gives him problems and you with love punishes him. I am so angry on you now. You let me down bahurani" king said in disappointment

"Father!!!! No no all the bad happen to me. May god bless him with my ages" Nandini prayed "I am sorry I am very sorry I accept your punishment"
"Go sleep then" he ordered.
Leelavati came forward "Nandini Yuvaraj will kill everyone present here if finds you doing such things in our watch do you want that?"
"No ma sa no but I can't see him like this, I can't it's killing me I should have been shoot I should be like that Yuvaraj would have saved me easily but now I am unable to do anything I am useless" Nandini cried like baby. Leelavati hugged her.
"Nandini you brought doctor, you fought with fate, that's it, no need of doing this type of madness go to your room sleep one hour after eating we all are here if Yuvaraj wakes up I will personally come and woke you up ok go beti"
"Bahurani sa!!!! Yuvaraj is my responsibility please for him take best care of you" parth begged as he knew how much Manik is in love with Nandini.
Nandini nodded and with very heavy feet she walked to her room.

Siya and jyothi made Nandini bath, they gave her food she didn't eat, as she weeping continuously, Siya gave morals and feed her, with hiccups she ate little as king ordered to eat, when completed eating, jyothi brought a herb to smell, so that she will sleep peacefully, jyothi made her smell it. Within few mins Nandini slept like baby. Siya tucked her in sheets and sat besides her to give fan.

Here Manik treatment started, parth is rotating Manik, Chauhan is taking care of pandits, even yagnam too arranged as Nandini requested. Latha went to near by temple and did puja. Hema is been kept in house arrest by king. Manik's other wives are sitting and watching the treatment.

Mothers are doing donations so that people will bless Yuvaraj. Parth wives and mother too came. Path wives sat near Nandini while she is sleeping. His mother is helping Leelavati and all.

After an hour of sleep jyothi woke up Nandini. She got up and was about run to Manik Siya stopped "bahuranisa not like this" she made her presentable as king ordered. She than came running, where as
Manik is still under hot burning coal. He is vomiting green liquid which is dangerous poison. She got tears, all his words how he don't want to go to that meeting, how he want to be inside her, how he was asking for a quickie how he was checking her out in meeting all came to mind at once. She got more tears.

The lady doctor tested Manik again, she got small smile. "He is out of danger ranisa, bahuranisa he will be ok in no time" she declared
Nandini wiped her tears and hugged her mothers. Parth ran to king who is in puja room and gave him this news, all became happy at once.

Leelavati came running to see Manik. She when conformed he is ok, she hugged all and specially Nandini "I am greatful to you, you made it possible we all were in panic mood you took wise decisions and let Manik get away from danger ask me anything I will grant you anything today"
"MA sa Let didisa be free, she was just lost her sense as Hukum is in danger and don't let Hukum know about this"
"Nandini that is impossible, she tried to kill children in your womb no not this time" Padmavathi shouted in anger.
"MA sa please" she begged
"Why?" Leelavati asked in anger
"How much Hukum May hate her, whatever she might do she is mother of two girl kids how will they get married when people get to know how her mother is been killed what will be their future? And how may be their relationship Hukum will be heart broken once he knows this when he is this week I don't want him to suffer more even for children about my children, I protected them and even gave her some scars which she won't forget easily"
"What if she tries again?" Radhabai asked
"Hukum will take decision then as a father, as husband as future king I won't interfere
"Will you promise that now to me?" Leelavati asked
Nandini gave promise.
"Ok I will talk to Hukum about this" Leelavati said with heavy breath. She loves Hema as she was one who raised her along with Manik for Manik she want Hema to behave like Nandini, this dignified, braod hearted, very humble and sweet but Hema was never such. She always feel that she couldn't train Hema well it's her failure she is as such and she always regret it.

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