✶❥Chapter 5✶❥

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Chapter 5


Axel placed one hand on my hip and he cupped my cheek with the other. I leaned into his hands and closed my eyes listening as he spoke. "You know, the first time I met you, you seemed so confused when I said you were my mate" He caressed my cheek and I opened my eyes, he seemed distant so I guessed he was remembering what happened. "After awhile, you finally believed me, but when you did" He frowned and I couldn't help but frown to, I reached up and held his cheek, when he looked down at me, his features softened. He took a deep breath and continued. "When you finally believed me, you, you distanced yourself from me. I didn't know what I did at first, I was afraid, afraid of losing you even if we just met." He shook his head. The hand on my hip moved upward circling my waist, the other moved from my cheek to his. He held my hand in place so I couldn't move it away from his cheek."When you decided to tell me why you kept away from me, when you said you were Rejected by your mate and that you thought I would reject you. I-I was mad... But I was also happy." I frowned and tried to move my hand away from him, but he held on tighter to my hand and inlaced are fingers together and moved are hands in front of us. I opened my mouth to talk but he cut me off with a kiss. I wanted to pull away and ask questions but with his lips on mine, I couldn't think straight so I just kissed him back. I moved my hands to his hair tugging slightly. A groan escaped his mouth making me moan but all to soon, the kiss ended.

Our breaths came out ragged and our foreheads touched.

"I was mad because he had hurt you, your mate, I was mad because you thought I would reject you, the thought of living without you is... Unreal." He frowned at first but gave me a small smile as he continued. "But I was happy, I was glad to have a mate as yourself, I was glad to have someone beautiful, kind, and caring. I know its selfish to be happy, what made me happy made you sad, I'm happy you got rejected and ended up with me. You were sad that your mate thought you weren't good enough. I know its selfish, because Im happy, and your sad" He looked... Sad, almost as if he were disappointed in himself. I didn't want him to think that way. Yes I had been sad at first, but I felt anger, anger toward the man that rejected me. When I met Axel though, I was confused and scared, confused for the fact that I had another mate, and scared of rejection, yet I wasn't sad, I was-am happy, that I got rejected, because I ended up with an amazing guy a better guy that Mason would ever be. I hated seeing Axel like this, I love him, and I want, no need him to know it.

"Axel...." He had his head down and wouldn't look at me.

"Axel please look at me," I whispered softly efficiently making him look up. I removed my hand from his and held his face in between my hands.

"Axel Im not sad at all, Im happy," I soothed placing my forehead on his again.


"There are no 'buts'. Im happy to have you as a mate, you are a better mate than Mason would ever be. Your generous, kind, loyal.... And I would never change any of that, even if you get protective at times." He smiled instantly making my face brighten.

I moved my hands from his face to the back of his neck. And leaned in, Axel immediately held onto me and met my lips with his. The kiss was filled with passion, love, and desire. I tilted my head to the side to deepen the kiss which he responded with a pleasured growl and yanked my body impossibly closer to him. I pulled back to take a breather but Axel continued trailing kisses down my jaw. I held his hair firmly in my hand as a small moan left my lips.

"Another thing," I breathed, barely able to force my lungs to produce oxygen. "You are an amazing kisser." As soon as the words escaped my mouth I blushed and Axel just chuckled.

"Im going to use that to my advantage considering its our one year anniversary of marking each other." He winked only making my face warmer. Before I could reply though his lips found mine again and I felt my back hitting the bed. His hands moved slowly yet sensually up and down my body. He pulled at the hem of my shirt and we pulled away giving him just enough time to yank my shirt off and our lips found each others again. He moved his hands to the clasp off my bra and pulled away. As the cloth fell down my arms Axel kept his eyes on me as he threw the bra across the room. I felt his... Uh.... Friend get excited but he kept things slow though I could clearly see the lust and desire in his eyes.

He slowly tore his eyes away from mine and when he lowered his gaze to my breasts I heard him take a deep breath in. As a reflex I covered myself as best as I could with my arms though it didn't make Axel happy. He peeled my hands away and gazed at my chest making me nervous until his next words set me at ease.

"Beautiful, absolutely breathtaking." I blushed but he didn't let me answer as he crashed his lips to mine. This time the kiss was lustful and our mouths moved rapidly. I suddenly noticed that I was half naked under him while he was fully clothed. I yanked on his shirt and I felt him smirk through the kiss but reluctantly pulled away to throw his shirt over his head showing me his defined chest, toned abs, and muscled arms. I bit my lip running my hand down his chest to his abs. I slowly traced his toned muscles with my finger until he had enough and pushed me toward him leading me to a whole new level with his kisses. Soon enough we laid naked with him above me at my entrance.

"Darling, Im sorry this is going to hurt but I swear this will be the only and last time I hurt you." He winced but gave me a peck on the lips before going back to his former position.

You know that feeling you get before a roller coaster? A nervous but anxious feeling? Yeah well thats how I felt at the moment as Axel got a condom and placed it on the length of himself.

"You ready?" He asked already breathless. I could only nod because I was afraid if I spoke my voice might've come out as a squeak. He entered me slowly and painfully making me whimper and dig my nails into his shoulder. He stopped letting me adjust to his size. After a few moments he pummeled into me so suddenly I let out a shriek from both surprise and pain. As he was now fully into me, filling me, he sprinkled kisses all over my face while I tried to adjust to his fullness. I could see the vein on his neck popping out and his eyes where pitch black showing me that he was having trouble controlling his wolf. After a few minutes he seemed to gain control again and the pain was now bearable so I lifted my hips slightly to let him know I was ready. He seemed ecstatic as he finally got a chance to move into me, and move he did.

With each thrust he would gain speed and I was no longer in pain as I longed for him. "Please Axel please faster faster," With each plead he thrusted faster and every time I said his name he would groan and pummel into me harder leaving me breathless.

When we came I screamed his name and he let out a loud groan/growl.

Our bodies were layered with sweat but neither of us seemed to care as we hugged each other and slept. He had taken me to a whole new word. He took me to heaven and back, and I loved it. As I cuddled closer I couldn't help and let him know how I felt.

"Axel... I love you." He shifted me into his arms molding me impossibly closer to his body.

"I love you to Victoria, forever a day."


Okay so this chapter is made by JanetN go follow her she is awesome. And I might make a dinner scene for chapter 6.

Theres like a little pic of them doing the dirty ;)

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