Chpater 1

453 21 3

Matthew POV

"Thank you for keeping her. I promise when i get my check i will pay you." I told Miss. Melissa as I made my way out of her house. "Matthew, it's fine. You know you don't have to pay me. Now hurry up before you're late." I smiled and told her thank you. Then i ran to the library. That's one of the places I work at. The person that owns it, Mr. Ron told me I could work there and he pays me double, so he helps me a lot.

As I got there Ronlissa, the other person that works here was leaving. She never talked to me. She just walked right on past me. I checked in and then i got to work helping people find books. It wasn't busy so I was glad for that. I got to sit down and just relax for a couple minutes.

Well while i got this time let me tell you some stuff about me. Well you probably guess but my name is Matthew. My parents died when I was 17, I am now 18 I had to drop out of school so I could pick up some more jobs. They tired to take my little brothers and sister away but i proved to them that i could take care of them. And I have been. The two boys, Jason and Jacob there twins. There in the 2nd grade. Then there's my little sister, her name is Cecilia. She's 2 years old. Miss Melissa keeps her for me. I couldn't let anyone take them from me. There all the family I have. Were not the richest people but hey we get by.

"Excuse me?" a voice got me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see a girl about my age smiling at me. "You work here right?" she ask and I answered her by nodding yes. Her smile smile got bigger. "Oh great. Well could you help me find a book." I nodded my head and she told me the book and I found it for her.

After I found her book she just kept talking to me. I kinda think she was flirting. But I didn't like her like that. Well I didn't like girls in general. Yep you heard right. Im gay. Happy, rainbows and unicorns.

"Hey are you okay." the girl brought me out of my thoughts. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm good. Just thinking. Oh and i need to get back to work." And i wasn't lying. I saw a women looking confused. I said bye to the girl and went to help her.

That's how my day went tell 2:30. I had to walk to go pick up Jason and Jacob. As i got to the school I saw the twins running around playing with each other. "Hey boy's." I called over to them. There head's snapped up and when they saw me they smiled big and ran over to me. They had the same blonde hair and big green eyes. We all looked like our dad. Blonde hair and green eyes.

The twins wrapped there arm's around me laughing. "Matty! We got an A on our test. Can we please go get some ice cream!!" Jacob said while his Jason was nodding like crazy. I saw there teacher waking over to me. "Yep they made 100%" she told me with a big smile. Then she pulled out a 20 dollar bill. "Mrs. Brown. I can't take that." I told her. She knew i hated people trying to help me. I can do this on my own. "Matthew just take it and go get them some ice cream." Before i could protest she put the money in my hand and walked away. I looked at the time. I had about an hour before i had to go to my next job. "Come on you to. Let's go pick up Cecilia so we can go get ice cream." When i told them that they got so happy. We haven't had ice cream in a while. They grabbed there backpack and we walked to go get Cecilia.

After we got Cecilia we went to the ice cream shop. Jason ordered Triple chocolate chip, Jacob got triple fudge. Me and Cecilia just ordered a vanilla cone. We all sat at a table and the twins were telling me about school. Cecilia was just in her own little world eating her ice cream getting it all over her. I laughed as the most beautiful guy walked by and looked at us. He had the lightest blue eyes ever and his black hair was covering some of his eyes. He smiled his perfect white teeth then stopped at our table. He had some skinny jeans on and a red button up shirt. "Your kids are really cute." he said looking at the twins. I loved the way he talked. He had lisp. Aww so cute. "Oh thanks but there my brothers and sister." a lot of people thought they were my kids. Sometime Cecilia even calls me dad. "Oh sorry." "It's fine. Uh do you want to sit down?" i asked him wanted to talk to him longer. He was about to answer but then a tall man and a women walked over. They looked like they were the richest people in the world. The dad had a suit on and the women had a dress on. The boy kinda looked like the women so i was guessing theses are his parents. "Hey son we have to go." the dad said with a deep voice. "Oh." the boy looked disappointed. "Well uh maybe I'll see you around. My name is Oliver by the way." "Matthew." he smiled then the man grabbed his arm.

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