Chapter 14:Plans,Plans, Plans

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It has been a few days since I talked the Brit about my Jax situation. I still haven't seen or heard from him. I really need the get this figured out before I lose my mind and sanity. As I was lost in my head I bumped into a rock hard rough but strong wall. I didn't think there was a wall in this hall. When I looked up I meet the forest green eyes that had been on my mind all the time since the incident. 

"I'm sorry for bumping into you Sage." He said starting to walk away. I grabbed his hand before he could leave. I finally ran into him quite literally and I was not going to let this chance go by. 

"I need to talk to you about what is going on between you and me." I said 

"What do you mean?" He asked. I knew he knew what I meant. But I wasn't going to let him be the reason we dont solve this problem. 

"You know exactly what I mean. If you dont want to talk about it or to me tell me so I dont have to worry about it." My voice raising slightly. Not noticeable very much to the passing students. But he caught on to it and could see that i was fed up with him acting so dense. 

"Lets talk later not in front of everyone." He said looking around to see the teachers looking at us. I dont think that he was nervous about talking to me, but talking in such a crowed space. 

"Why?" I was now confused. Is something g going on that I'm not aware of? Is there someone?

"Because everyone is looking and I dont want anyone in our business. Not anything else." While this was said I could see and hear that he was serious about this. 

"Fine we will talk later. But your not escaping it so dont try." I had to give up because class would start soon. I dont like to be late at all. Our principal is so strict that after a warning you get concicences. They aren't good art all. 


Mine and Jax's floor are meeting up to decided how we introduce our plan and put it in motion. (If you don't remember it was to send Leo with the concent of Kaiden to flirt and get her to trust him and then bring her to us so we can deal with her later) we all decided that it would be best for it to wait until we we're ready. Right now we're not with all of the things going on. But when we're ready she better look out. 

Before Jax could high tail it out of there I pulled him aside as we decided that now would be the good time to talk. Well its now or never. I just want to get this done so we can be okay again.

I know this chapters short but i was told that I needed to publish. Tell me what i can do better and I will try to incorporate it into my writing. With chapters i have school and want to do well and writers block. Again sorry for the wait on this chapter


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