Chapter Eleven (ForthBeam)

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Forth, Beam, Ming and Kit is sitting while chatting, but it's a bit quiet.. Suddenly its raining.. They look outside the cafe.. Its been a few minutes since Phana and Wayo go to the shop..

Beam looks at Forth.. And Forth look at Beam with a confuse face..

"P.. Let's go for a walk.." Beam whisper in Forth ears.. Beam is planning to leave Ming and Kit together.. Because it's look like, Ming have something to say to Kit..

"But it is raining.. You might catch a cold Beam.." Forth says because it is raining with winds..

"No p.. It's okay.. I'm a bit hot right now.. Please p..  Please.." Beam says while putting his right hand in Forth thigh and left hand grabbing Forth's hand..

"Okay.. But if not too long.."

"Thanks p.." Beam says and give Forth a peck on his left cheek..

"Ehemm.. We are not the air okay.." Ming says stopping the couple doing their lovey-dovey action..

"Haha.. Just wait p'Ming.. It's not that long.." Beam says to Ming..

"Wait for what?  Long?" Ming is confuse..

Beam didn't answer to Ming question..  He stand up follow by Forth..

"Au..  Where are you going?"

"Picking Phana and Wayo from the shop.. They might be trap since it's  raining heavily outside.." Beam answers.. Forth look at Beam.. It's not what Beam says.. Beam just smile to him which make Forth shakes his head..

"No need.. They are big enough to take care of themselves.." Ming says while telling them to sit back..

"It's okay P.. I don't mind.." Beam says again..

"Let them.. No need to worry about them.." Ming still telling them to sit back.. It makes Beam lose his temper..

"P. I told you. IT IS OKAY.  Okay?!" He just want to help Ming but why Ming still didn't understand.. Kit quickly hold Ming shoulder  because he knows Beam is going to explode.. Ming looks at Kit hands.. He smile..

"Hmm.. Okay.." Ming says..

Forth and Beam takes one umbrella each.. But Beam didn't open his umbrella.. Forth look at Beam with a confuse face again..

"Let's share."

"Ooii.. Just go!" Ming shouted from the back..

"Quiet Ming." Forth says which makes Ming shut his mouth..

Forth open his umbrella and share it with Beam.. They walk out of the cafe together.. Forth put his hand on Beam shoulder so they will stand as close as they can to prevent Beam from being hit by the rain..

"What are you planning,  Beam?"

"Oh.. Nothing it just I can't help see both of them.. It's like.. It is very obvious that they like each other but..  Arghh.." Beam can't finish his sentences..  He is just too furious about it.. It makes Forth laugh..

"Yeah.. They are so slow.. I am much faster right?"

"Well,  actually you are the fastest.."

Flashback (short)

Their first dinner was great.. Beam enjoys the foods and the company.. Beam also likes Forth place.. It was very relaxing even though it was not a famous or a five star restaurant.. They also went out for a walk after dinner..

On their third dinner,  Forth asked Beam to date him.. And Beam answer was

"I already dating you p.. Since the first dinner.. It was a date for me.."

Beam answer made Forth speechless.. But Forth quickly smile again..  Because it means Beam accepted him.. That was all matter to him..  Beam just laughed seeing Forth happy face..

"You're like the happiest man in the world p.. "

"Yes I am.."

End of flashback

They laugh again remembering it.. They continue walking until they see Phana and Wayo.. It was dark and raining so it was a bit hard to see them clearly.. Forth and Beam walk towards them.. But they quickly stop when they see Phana and Wayo hot session..

"Emm.. P..  I think..  We should get back.. Oh no.. We can't.. Hmm.." Beam turns toward Forth.. Now their face is just  a few inch apart.. "I have an idea p."

Forth know that Beam idea is always crazy but what can he do.. He just follow Beam going into an alley.. There are many dark alley there and there are no people..

When they are under a roof,  Forth close the umbrella..

"P.. Let's do what they do.." Beam boldly ask Forth.. It makes Forth a bit shock.. But then he cup both of Beam cheeks and give Beam a peck on his lips..  "P.. It's a peck.. Not a kiss.."

"Oh really.. I'm sorry, I'm just too old.. Why don't you teach me instead.." Forth says.. Beam know that Forth is just playing around.. But he is willingly to help Forth..

Beam push Forth on his chest until Forth is leaning on the wall.. Beam slowly put his lips on Forth lips and he is teasing Forth with the kiss..

He licks Forth lower lips and then the upper lips.. Then,  he press his lips on Forth's.. When Forth starts to kiss him back,  Beam pull back from the kiss.. He did it a few times..

"Beamm.." Forth says Beam name.. He knows that Beam is playing with him..  But he can't hold it anymore..  He quickly turn and push Beam to the wall.. Then,  he quickly press his lips on Beam's with hunger..

Beam open his mouth a bit to let Forth tongue to enter him.. Forth kiss him harder and deeper.. Beam wraps his arm around Forth..  While Forth hand is wildly moving all around Beams body.. They kiss like it is never enough.. They are kissing like crazy..

But they know they have to stop.. If not.. Something else is going to rise up..

They catch their breath.. Beam is slowly open his eyes and meet with Forth eyes..  They chuckle a little..

They tidy up their clothes..

"The rain stopped.." Forth says.. They didn't realised since they were too deep into their make out session..

"Wow.. Hmm.. Let's go to Pha and Yo.." Beam says.. Forth nod.. They lock their hands with each other and walked together..

They meet Phana and Wayo on their way and decided to walk to the cafe all together..


ForthBeam done..  So, left MingKit.. 

Sorry I'm suck at writing scene like this.. 😫

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