Chapter Thirteen

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Forth, Beam, Phana and Wayo walk together to the cafe.. Then, Beam come closer to Wayo and pull him a bit from Phana.. Phana look at Beam and just go walk next to Forth..

"Yo.. What happen?" Beam whispers..

"What do you mean p'Beam?"

"What happened just now? P mean,  at the alley.." Wayo face quickly become red as soon as he understand what Beam is asking..

"Emm.. We.. We..  We..."

"Kiss.. P know.."

"Seriously p? So p'Forth... Ahhhhhh.." Wayo stop and close his face with bot of his hand.. "How can I face p'Beam and p'Forth.."

Forth and Phana also stop when they hear Wayo's screams.. They walk closer to Wayo and Beam..

"What did you do to n'Yo, p'Beam?" Phana ask.. Wayo lower his hand when he hears Phana voice but close his face again when he see Forth and Beam.. Beam just laugh.. Beam whisper at Forth about what he did.. And Forth just smile..

"N'Yo.. It's okay.. Yo don't have to be embarrassed.. Don't worry,  p wouldn't tease Yo..

"But p.. I'm still embarrassed.."

"It's okay n'Yo.. Everyone did it.. We also did it.. You don't have to be embarrass n'Yo.."

"Really p? P'Beam and P'Forth also did it?" Wayo ask with a sparkly eyes..

"Yes.." Beam answer..

"I hope it happens between P'Ming and P'Kit too.." Wayo says..

"Oh.. They have something? Don't worry..p will help too.." Beam says.. Wayo and Beam do a high five..

"Oh.. Let's go.. We had gone for a long time.." Wayo says..

"Wait.. Am I the only one that didn't know what you guys were talking about just now.. Do what?" Phana ask..

Beam takes Wayo hand and walk away from Phana.. Forth follow them from behind.. Phana just stand there, confused..

They arrived at the cafe and see Ming sitting alone at the table..

"Where is p'Kit p?" Wayo ask as soon as he enter the cafe.. Ming point to the bathroom.. And Wayo nod..

Suddenly,  Kit get out from the bathroom.. He see that everyone have come back.. Then,  his eyes meet Ming eyes.. His face quickly become red.. When all attention is at him.. He just go into the bathroom again..

"Don't worry.. He is okay.." Ming says while smiling widely..

Wayo know that something had happened.. He will wait for the right time to investigate it.. Now, there is a small party to continue.. When Kit finally get out from the bathroom,  they sit together, drink and chit chat again..

They finally decided to go home when it's 2 in the morning..  They cleaned the cafe together before going home.. All of them sleep soundly while remembering their own moment..

Wayo wake up.. He go to the bathroom and clean himself since he didn't take a bath last night.. After finish showering and changing his clothes,  he go to the kitchen for breakfast..

He spot his brother sitting on the couch while watching television in the living room.. Wayo slowly walk to Ming but stop when his stomach growl asking for food.. Then, Wayo decides to eat first.. The food is waiting for him..

"Ah, n'Yo.. You've wake up.." Ming says because he also hear Wayo's stomach growling sound..

"Where is pa and ma?" Wayo ask..

"Dining room.. Waiting for you.." Ming says.. He switch off the television and go to the dining room followed by Wayo..

"Good morning, Pa.. Ma.." Wayo greet his parents.. Then they eat together..

"Ming.. Wayo.. Pa and Ma will go out tomorrow.. Do you guys want to join?" their mother ask..

"Go where Ma?" Ming ask..

"Our friend house.. They sometimes come to our house.. So it's not nice if we didn't come to their house when they invited us.."

"I want to go.. There will be a lot of foods.." Wayo says..

"You Ming?"

"I'll go too Ma.. Besides I don't have anything to do tomorrow.."

"Ming.. Don't forget about your work.. I left a mountain of work on your desk.."

"Ahh.. Paaaa.... Ma, see Pa is talking about work.." Ming whines and his father just laugh.. Their mother always mad when their father talk about work or using the smartphone while eating..

"Oh really.. Sorry.. Ma didn't hear it.. Right Wayo?"

"You are right Ma.."

"Au.. The whole family is against me.." Ming says and the other just laugh at him..

After breakfast,  Ming go back to his room.. Wayo follows him.. Wayo quickly get into Ming's room before Ming can close his door..

"n'Yo.. What are you doing Yo?" Ming ask when Wayo sit on his bed.. Ming close the door and sit on a chair..

"What happened last night?" Wayo ask directly..

"Ha.. Last night.... Ohhh.. P don't want to tell you.." Ming smiles widely..

"Okay.. Then, I will not tell you about what he says about you too.." Wayo stand up..

"Wait wait wait Yo.. He says something about me? When?  What?" Ming ask and Wayo just give him a smirk.. "Okay.. P will say what happen last night.." Wayo quickly sit again on the bed.. "Well,  we..  We..  Kiss.. And I said to him to be mine if he didn't resist the kiss.. And.. He didn't resist it.."

"Wahhh!  P'Ming..  Congratulation p..  Have you call or send a text to him yet?" Ming shake his head.. "What?! You didn't.. Hurry up.. Text.... Text him or call him.." Wayo quickly get up..

"Why should I?"

"Trust me p..." Wayo says with a low voice.. 'Because I want that person do that to me too.. But..' he thought..

"Are you okay n'Yo?" Ming says as he see that Wayo face changed a bit..

"I'm okay p.. Don't worry.. And actually he didn't say anything about you p.. But,  don't worry.. I know he likes you too p.." Wayo says and get out of Ming room..

He want to go to his room but,  he know he will be sadder.. Wayo hate to be sad.. He decides to go to the living room to join their parents watching television.. Wayo

Ming can sense that there is something bugging his little brother..


Sorry for the late update.. I was a bit busy with my classes.. 🙇🙇🙇

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