Chapter Sixteen

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Wayo enter his room.. He jump onto his bed.. He takes his phone and the first thing he see is missed calls from Phana.. There are some messages too.. Wayo wants to call Phana but he texts him instead because he doesn't want to disturb Phana..

Wayo: I'm sorry p'Pha.. I left my phone.. Why did you call me?

A few second later,  his phone vibrate.. The caller is Phana.. Wayo answer the call..

"Yo.. What are you doing?" Phana ask nervously..

"Ha.. Emm.. Nothing p.. Why p?"

"Are.. Are you okay? Emmm... Nevermind.. Emm.. N'Yo.. Are you free today?"

"Emm.. Yes.." Wayo knows what is going to happen.. A smile form on Wayo's face..

"Emm.. So.. Would you like to go to a dinner with p?"

Wayo is so happy.. He feels like he gonna scream right at that time but he still realise that Phana is on the phone waiting for his answer..

Wayo takes a breath while Phana is nervously waiting for Wayo answer.. Phana becomes more anxious when Wayo is silent..

"Emm.. If Yo is busy,  it's okay.. P didn't force Yo to accept it.."

"No.. No P..  I mean.. Yes.. I would like to go to the dinner with you.."

"Okay then,  I'll pick you up at 8.."

"Okay p.. See you later.."

"See you later.. N'Yo.."

When their call ends.. Both of them running into the bathroom because in a few hours they have a date..

After taking a bath to make sure he is fresh and not smelly.. Wayo go into his walk-in wardrobe.. Looking for the best clothes he have.. It didn't happen only for woman.. It also happen for a man like Wayo.. He search and search but still couldn't make the decision..

Wayo run looking for his brother.. He grab his brother into his room.. And Ming just follow Wayo along..

"P.. Help me.."

"Help what?"

"This.." Wayo show a tons of clothes he have.. "P'Pha will come in an hour but I still can't choose the clothes.. Help me p.. Hmm.. Well,  I know that you have the greatest fashion sense.."

"Haha.. Well I'm not going to brag about myself but.. Wait.. Wait a minute!  Pha will come?! For what?" Ming put both his hand at his waist..

Wayo just smile sheepishly.. Actually,  he thought that Ming will not be possessive about him after having a relationship with Kit but he is totally wrong.. He sigh...

"Emm.. Well.. Maybe.. He asked me out, maybe.."

"Maybe? Hmm.. After he makes you sad this morning.."

"Ha.. Emm.."

"I know Yo.. I know that you're sad this morning.. And it was because of that dumb person.." Ming says with a lower tone.. "I know that you like him and he likes you too.. Hmm.. Don't worry, I'll support whatever you choose.."

Wayo smiles as wide as he can.. He hug his brother..

"Thank you p'Ming.. I love you so much.."

"Hmm.. I love you too Yo.." Ming hugs him back.. "Hmm.. Now lets choose your clothes.." Ming says and break their hug..

Sharp at 8 am.. Phana rings the doorbell.. Wayo quickly open the door and see Phana.. Both of them are stunning looking at each other..

"Hmm.. How long are you guys gonna look at each other ha?" Ming ask..

Phana eyes changes direction and look at Ming.. Phana smiles.. Actually, Phana had ask Ming first before asking Wayo out.. Because it would be easier to have Ming on his side..

And Ming actually is just pretending that he didn't know in front of Wayo.. Ming also give some tips to Phana such as Wayo's favourite foods and drinks..

But his eyes change direction again when there, the sweetest voice in the world calling him..


"Emm.. N'Yo.."

"Pha.. Take care of my brother.. And you know what I going to do if you didn't.."

"Alright p.. I will.."

Ming pat on Phana's shoulder..

"Hmm.. Go.. Enjoy your dinner.." Ming says.. While he is wishing to go for a date Kit too.. It makes him miss his Kitty.. Ming sigh and go into the house after watching Phana and Wayo go..

Wayo is really happy.. Phana had reserve a table at Wayo's favourite restaurant.. They eat and talk.. Enjoying the moment.. 

They finished eating and it is still early.. It's because both of them were starving.. They forgot to eat before going out because too excited about the date..

"Emm.. Is there any other place that you want to go n'Yo?" Phana when they are inside his car..

"Hmm.. Actually no.. How about p?  Is there any place that p want to go?"

"Well.. There is this place but I'm not sure you would like it.."

"It's okay p.. We just go to my favourite restaurant.. So why not we go to your favourite place.. By the way p.. I know that p'Ming who told you about the restaurant.."

"Hahaha.. Well,  you're right.."

Phana drives to his favourite place.. The beach.. After Phana park his car,  Phana and Wayo walk along at the beach side by side..

"Emm.. P'Pha.. Mind if I ask you something?"


"Why did p like the beach?"

"Hmm.. Well.. P like the sound of the wave,  the wind blowing.. It makes p becomes more relax after a chaotic condition at the hospital.."


"Look over there.." Phana point to the open bar..  "P sometimes go there and enjoy the scenery.. And there are less people here than other place.."

"It must be really hard for you p working at the hospital.. But I know you can handle it p.. And your career is a noble job p.. I always admire the doctors.."

Wayo talks about how much he admire and respect a doctor.. Phana suddenly becomes more proud because the person he likes admire his job.. When Wayo stop talking about it,  Phana stop walking.. He looks at Wayo while Wayo looks at Phana confusedly.. Slowly,  Phana strokes Wayo's hair..

"Thank you n'Yo.. Now p have new motivation to go for work.."

Wayo smile shyly and start walking again because he is too embarrassed and too happy at the same time..



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