Rules, Rules, Rules

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So as you probably read in the description, this will be a set of improvised storytelling where I have no clue where the story will end up and I have a certain time limit to write it. I don't know what gave me the idea to make this challenge, maybe it was because I suck at writing in a creative way so maybe this will help me to practice and get better.... Anyhoo!

Feel free to join this challenge if you want! Here are the rules in case you try it out yourself:


- You cannot edit the story or current sentence after you're done writing it. However, you ARE allowed to fix spelling and punctuation.

-You cannot look back at what you wrote while you're writing (no scrolling back).

-You must follow the given time limit and cannot add on to the story afterwards. You CAN finish the sentence you're on and write one sentence (however long you want it) for the ending.

-(If you really need an idea before you start writing the story, come up with a single character, setting, and starting scenario before hand.)

Alright, let's start the first story!

Once Upon An Improv (Improvised Short Stories)Where stories live. Discover now