An Unexpected Visit

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"We can't wait much longer." The voice trembled into the shadows beyond the doorway, "our forces are tired of waiting. They speak of-" he gulped audibly, "p-p-pardon my blunt, crude language, Y-Your Majesty. They say this, not me. But... b-but they speak of your-your cowardice. They are ready to move. They are eager for blood and action." His beady eyes moved from the darkened silhouette to the nearer woman, the second in command. "Forgive my forward speech, but I believe it is time to act."

The closer woman sighed as she shifted in her seat. She had the amazing, enviable ability of looking completely bored, yet still dangerous. As though she could spring and rip out the nearest persons throat in seconds. Like a lounging tiger stretched across a throne of stone. The grovelling creature felt a shudder ripple across his back as he inched slightly further away; fear rolling off his dirty body like the ocean rolled over the sand. He felt her eyes pin him to the spot, his blood flushed cold as ice as every sinew in him held fast, unable and unwilling to move. It was shameful, cowing, to be so scared of a mere human but he knew the rumors of Sheba, the Queen's Consort.

She had asked for squadron's to be felled and it had been done. She'd asked for a Unicorn's horn and it was produced. There was nothing Her Majesty would not do for her human.


Sheba let out a heavy sigh. The sound was deceptively bored, her movements were quick and sharp. He was not fooled by her lax body language. He knew she was reveling in the way he, her minion, cowered from the undertones of irritation and contempt in her breath.

"Well, I supposed we'll just have to move things along then." She shifted in her seat, meeting the gaze of her Queen, of her leader, of her lover, "what say you?"

The Queen stood slow, unraveling tediously. She was smaller but her power was stronger. It filled the room, splashed against the walls with just the slightest movement. An unconscious overflow. Her eyes surveyed the seeing glass located just before her, trailed slowly over her minion. She inspected him so thoroughly she could see his nerves fraying bit by bit, finally they settled on her companion. The adoration shared between the two women was palpable.

"I believe then," Her Majesty's voice slid over the room like acid on flesh, the lilt of the humans accent touching her words like a delicate hug, "we shall just have to speed up our proceedings. But first..." Her bottomless brown eyes pierced the seeing glass, as though her gaze alone could pierce the heart of the young woman on the other side, "But first we deal with this problem."

The way the word was said even her second in command flinched with fear.


Chelsea relaxed on the bar stool, slowly sipping on her White Russian. She had arrived about twenty minutes earlier, beating Devon in by about ten. She had been so shocked to see him at her bar that she hadn't moved despite the occasional offer to throw darts or shoot a round of pool. Some stupid part of her thought she'd be safe here hidden in the familiarity of her stool, behind the bar as she watched him prowl around the room shamelessly.

She hated that he was so familiar with everyone, that he was so insanely charismatic, everywhere he went it seemed Devon made new friends. She bit too hard on her straw, growling. Devon was the veritable life of the party. He was an instant hit.

Chelsea's observations lasted for well close to two and a half hours. Careful study of his movements, of how he danced around people, tucked into subjects and carefully nicked conversation away from himself and back onto the other person. She noticed, as he joined various groups, that he was all smiles and oozing compliments and surface fun.

Her eyes narrowed after her fifth round. Chelsea would deny being drunk, she would admit to being suspicious. He was playing them. He smiled just a little too much, laughed a little too frequently, complimented just once too often, lost or won by just that much. It was amazing. Had she been in the crowd with him, she never would have noticed.

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