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How I wish to dream forever,

Close my eyes and sleep eternally,

Dream of unknown lands and mystical creatures,

Create a world filled with magic,

A place where everything is possible,

A home where only happiness resides.

How I wish I could dream without fear of losing myself,

Sleep without fear of not waking up,

How I wish my illusions were real,

For then, my dreams would no longer be lies.

Every day, I long for night to fall,

So I can dream once again,

Every day, I wait for the sun to set and the moon to appear,

So I can sleep once again.

How I wish I could remember the dreams I have,

I only know they bring me great joy,

How I wish not to wake up,

To sleep eternally with the sun and the moon,

Dream of marvelous adventures,

In a world where I reign,

A place where happiness is real,

Where every day is different because my imagination knows no bounds,

A home where I will be happy.

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