To be a child

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How I wish to be a child again,

To play all day without a care,

To dress as I please, without a thought for what others say,

To dream of unicorns and fairies,

To believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy once more.

When you're a child, everything is better,

Your imagination knows no bounds,

Reality ceases to be dull,

Your mind takes you to new and unexplored places.

Anything is possible when you're a child,

From riding a dragon to taming a dinosaur,

Going on vacation to Venus or leaping into a volcano.

But when you cease to be a child, the hell begins,

Dreams come to an end, and nightmares take their place,

Life suddenly becomes boring,

There's no escaping the responsibilities of daily life,

Your imagination can no longer save you,

Your dreams fade into thin air.

Reality shatters any notion of happiness you might have,

Illusions vanish, and the magic of childhood dies,

Your beliefs in what you thought was real are destroyed,

Everything no longer makes sense to you, and you begin to doubt the future.

This is called the transition from child to teenager,

But it's not all bad,

At that moment, new experiences await you, and new adventures begin,

The search for friends who support you and respect your decisions,

Trying new things and finding someone important to you.

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