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Percy Flynn

I didn't want to be in school. Like I had a lot on my mind, it was impossible to concentrate on anything.

I was going to see Bernard and Janis, no doubt about that but what was I going to do when I see them? I didn't think Janis was going to be together with him, she won't date him. Not out in public, here in school. So how do I react? Do I beat his face up or just leave him be giving the silent treatment? It was definitely over between J and I - Janis, I mean Janis - so I hoped she doesn't approach me. I was not sure of how I was going to react if she does. I might end up doing something I'd regret.

I pulled out my phone, going over go Google. They had all the answers right.

"How to address a guy who slept with your girlfriend."

The answers arrived soon enough and as my eyes skimmed through them, my anger grew. I could see a bunch of "why guys cheat on their girlfriends", "how to face a cheating guy" blah blah. Problem was, I didn't fucking cheat, she did! And I didn't care about her, it was freaking Bernard! I was going to see him on the field and I was going to break his fucking face. I didn't think the coach would understand, who would?

I slammed my phone down on the table, running a hand through my hair and exhaling through my mouth to calm myself. I decided to distract myself by paying attention to my surrounding, starting with my table. Henry was saying something as usual and everybody was hooked on whatever it was he was spurting from his month, I just hoped for our sake it was some truth and not fantasy. I barely knew the rest of the crew, only by name and strength on the field, or gossip strength. Then there's Melody — the only girl with flesh on this table. Some saw it as too much flesh calling her fat but I thought it was just right — she unlike the others was glaring at her pudding cup as she stirred and stirred.

I nudged her and her big doe eyes snapped up to me. "If you're waiting for the pudding to grow a mouth and tell you to eat it, then you're going to be waiting a while."

She pouted, her eyes looking like she was about to release a waterfall. "Right." She pushed the pudding cup away and dragged a plate of salad closer. "I should really eat now."

I smirked. "Eat what? Grass?"

Her eyes widened as she pointed an accusing finger at me. "You eat it too."

I shrugged. "Yup, someone has to stay healthy around here."

"I hate you."

"Perce, haven't you heard?" Henry asked, jumping out of one conversation and entering another. He winked at Mel. "Melody's gone on diet."

My eyes really widen then. "Really?"

"No." She denied, shaking her head and making her messy bun bob. "I'm just trying out new things."

"Liar, have to."

"Have not. Henry mind your business for once."

He stuck his tongue out to her and I just knew he's in the wrong table, body and life. "Have to."

"Have not."

I was going to intervene and stop the childish fight but something else gets my attention. I saw Spencer stumbling over to his seat with some don't care to know about seniors. He looked extra pale and even from my seat I could see the red ring around his eyes and sweat sheen as his hair stuck to his face. He sneezed and I almost got out my seat thinking he was going to fall over. My eyes remained on him as he takes his seat and I wonder what exactly gave him the idea of coming to school today when he looked like a ghost.

Unfortunately for me, I am unable to pay attention to any other thing except Spencer. I barely took a bite off my food and I zoned out of all conversations going on. Spencer too barely ate a thing, his coughing and sneezing won't let him and I doubt he has the strength to lift a fork. Eventually he got up and I wasn't sure if it was because he ran out of tissues or if he decided to save himself by going to the nurse or back home.

Home? That dump he lived in was completely empty. Who'd take care of him there? In his state, I didn't think he could even leave the school without falling. What if he fell and no one is there to help him out? Could he die from a cold? From the way he looked, I'd say yes.

Percy, its none of your business. He can rot wherever he wants.

"Excuse me," I said to no one in particular as I get off my seat, going after Spencer. I'd just make sure he was not leaving the school. After I've safely brought him to the school's clinic, he would no longer be my problem.

Not that he was my problem to begin with.

When I got into the hallway, I saw Spencer heading towards the exit and I sighed in annoyance. I knew he'd want to leave. No one likes the grumpy nurse anyway but I thought he'd be wiser. Who the hell was he leaving to meet?


"Percy," Janis interrupted, coming to stand in front of me.

I groaned out loud before lowering my eyes to her and then I had to blink a couple times. I heard rumors going around about the Janis's look today but I didn't pay attention to know just how bad it was. From what I was seeing, it was really bad. It was as if she and Spencer are doing a competition on who can look more horrible. Janis's half tanned skin was paled considerably and her face was puffy and swollen. Her eyes had heavy dark bags beneath them and her on her cheeks were both dried and fresh tears. I've seen her without makeup, but I've never seen her look this raw. Even her long blond shiny hair that she was known for was disheveled. It was like somebody died.

"What?" I asked, the edge in my voice coming out softer than I wanted.

"We have to talk," She pleaded. "You've been avoiding me all morning."

My fingers twitched to go up to her hair and try to fix it up for her but I just couldn't, not after everything. I wondered why I was even feeling this way. Just two days ago I found her panting in bed with a teammate. I was supposed to hate her guts. "Is that why you look like this? Did someone die?" I couldn't help but ask.

"No, no." She wiped her face. "I-I-"

No time to be weak Percy. "Look J- Janis. Yes, I've been avoiding you and for good reason. You cheated on me. We're over and I really don't want to see you again." I rushed out, trying to walk past her but her hands on my chest stopped me.

"It was a mistake, Percy. I didn't mean to." She cried out.

That finally made me snap and whatever sympathy I had vanished at that. My brows pulled together and my face morphed into a frown. Janis took a step back knowing that she had said something wrong.

"A mistake?" I snarled. "Really, a mistake?" My palm slapped against the nearby locker. "Who cheats and labels it a mistake? Were you drugged?" She shook her head. "Did he force you?" She shook her head. I barked out a dry laugh. "Oh wait, maybe you thought he was me."

"Percy —"

"How the hell was it a mistake?" I yelled and some students start filing out of the lunch room to see what's going on. Great, a show and I was the main character.

"I'm sorry." Janis said clutching my shirt as she broke down in tears.

I stepped closer to her, tilting her chin so she'd look at me. "J, do you really think I'd forgive you now?"

She looked into my eyes and eventually let go of my shirt, shaking her head. I nodded and stalked off, leaving her to cry for the cameras.

As expected, Spencer was already long gone and I got into my car, wasting no time as I drove out, heading straight for his house. This couldn't have been a more perfect timing.


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