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Percy Flynn

My mum would be proud, I couldn't believe I've acted as a nurse for two days and for somebody I was supposed to hate. And it's as clear as day that I don't really hate Spencer. I wanted to but I couldn't. Maybe it was because I was very good friends with him before he turned psycho or maybe it was because I was not as close to Ryder as Paxton. Or maybe it had to do with his innocent loving puppy face.

Nah, it could also be because I was just not wired to hate on people. I saw Janis today and she still looked as horrible. I was really tempted to go tell her 'it's okay, I forgive her' even if it was not true, just so she could stop crying. That was not what most recently cheated on boyfriends do, so I stopped myself. I wouldn't have thought about doing that if I hated her, right? I should want the absolute worst for her and Bernard, although I kind of wanted that for Bernard but not her. No, I just wanted her to stop crying.

I was back in Spencer's ratty house again, he was drugged up and fast asleep in his room. After watching him sleep to the point of creepy, I decided to make myself busy. I could just leave and leave him to himself but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was super clingy whenever I became sick, both as a toddler and now. I would follow my mum around and turn into an over exaggerated attention whore. Now even if I don't cry or trail her around, I always hated waking up alone. Whenever I did, I would totally resent the person who was supposed to be there for me.

Of course, Spencer had no right to resent me and I wasn't his guardian or in charge of him or anything but still, I couldn't possibly leave him while asleep. I just couldn't

I didn't even know where to start from, everywhere and when I say 'everywhere', I mean everywhere was a mess. I guess I could start with his room. I was messy, in fact, I was supposed to be the messiest boy ever. The Spencer that I knew a year back wasn't messy; in fact he was just like my brother, Paxton Flynn – the neat freak and tidiest boy ever. The few times I had visited Spencer and been to him room, I hadn't seen a single dirt or cloth lying around. Everything was delicately arranged and that was why I set him up with my brother even. I thought, since they have so many similarities, they'd fit perfectly and love each other.

Boy was I wrong. At least on one end.

I wasn't lazy unless it came to a chore which was why it was pretty surprising when I got down to business on Spencer's room. I threw all the clothes I saw lying around and I suspected as dirty to the hamper. I arranged the books on the table in order of size and threw all the papers to the bin, putting all his pencils, pen and highlighters together. I dust off his chair, putting it in place. When I open his wardrobe, I saw that he had barely unpacked. I was really tempted to leave this one but one look at his sleeping face and I was unloading the luggage to the ground and finding the hangers.

This ought to be easy.



I choked on the glass of water I was currently consuming and my eyes widen as I coughed and tried to get myself back. The culprit, Spencer who just fluttered his eyes open, blinks a few times and when he finally sees me, his eyes widen too.

"Percy?" I nodded in confirmation and hit my chest a few more times. Spencer signed and threw his legs over the queen sized bed to sit up. "Don't tell me I've infected you too?"

"No." Cough. "I just choked."

His eyes lowered to the half empty cup of water and back to my face. "I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine." Did he just call me Paxton? If he did and was apologizing for it, then it was not fine at all. But I was a hundred percent sure he was apologizing for the choking part. I don't think he even knew he just called me Paxton. Maybe he didn't and I imagined it. Yeah, it had to be that.

I picked the tray which I had used to transport water from the kitchen to this place, closer and sat on my chair beside the bed. I poured Spencer a glass and when I extended it to him, he wordlessly took it and finished up all the contents at one go. I didn't even know when I proudly smiled at him and he blinked at me before shoving the cup back on the tray and looking away. He was blushing and it was the most adorable thing ever, it beats puppies.

"You're here again." He didn't say that as a question or accusatory, it was a fact.

"Yeah," I relaxed into the seat. "You fainted. On my arms."

He blushed bright red again, turning around so his curly locks served as a covering for his face. "I'm sorry."

"Nah, its fine, I don't mind hauling your weak ass around." I said and when he turned to look at me, I grinned. Spencer shook his head and I saw the small smile on his face.

"Thanks still, I don't know a lot of people who'd do that for me." He said and since I didn't know what to answer, I shrugged. He sneezed and its then he finally sees his room. His room that looks completely different and neat. Paxton would be so proud. "What the--"

"I know right. Unbelievable." I said proudly smiling at my work. He looked at me still with the surprising face and my smile dropped a bit. Damn, I forgot that I always got angry whenever Paxton went all shine shine on my side of the room. I got up from the chair. "Oh, I totally didn't mean to encroach into your personal space or anything. I was bored and with nothing to do, I decided to tidy your messy room. Not that your messiness is bad or anything, I mean it is your house. Anyway, I didn't completely change anything. I just made them better, I guess. I also got into your wardrobe and helped you unpack."

I opened up the wardrobe, showcasing my handiwork; I arranged his clothes according to casual and formal, then according to color. "This is how you had them in your previous wardrobe. I remembered. So hopefully, it isn't so bad. Right?"

Spencer was smiling up at me. I raised my brows at him and he shook his head, making his curls bounce. "Percy, I love it."

I couldn't explain it and I've got to be imagining but I think my heart fluttered at that. I nodded, getting shy all of a sudden as I shut the doors and returned to my seat. Spencer surprised me by reaching for my hands, holding them in his and forcing me to stare into his hazel eyes.

"Seriously," His tongue swiped over his bottom lip. "Thank you, Percy."

It was the look on his face. It has to be the pure look of absolute sincerity and thankfulness that made my heart skip a beat. I gulped. "Y-yeah sure. Anything for a--"

I didn't get to finish my sentence because my phone started ringing in my pocket, saving me. What was I going to say?! I hurriedly picked the call without even checking the ID.


Spencer kept looking at me all through the call and once I was done. I smiled at him.

"What would you say about leaving the house?"


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