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Percy Flynn

My fist landed square on Bernard's face and blood spluttered out as his neck kinks and he falls to ground. I vaguely heard Janis scream but I was mostly focused on killing Bernard right now because if I don't, I'd be killing her instead.

Bernard groaned and turned, his eyes landed on me wide and panicking and I don't know if he was going to say something. I didn't let him get a word out before my foot kicked into his gut, knocking his breath out of him as he curled like an injured animal on the floor. I heard voices and the hallway gradually filled up with on lookers, everybody wanting to know what was going on. I grabbed Bernard's collar and push him up to his feet.

"You hit her?" I said so close to him, only he and I could hear me. I wasn't asking because I felt sympathy for Janis but just the thought in general makes me sick to the gut. "Did you make her do those things?"

"W-what things?" Bernard choked out, and then smiled, his teeth colored red from his blood. "Bloody rape you?"

Anger flashed once more and everything was in a blur as my fist repeatedly slammed into his face, over and over and over. I think he passed out but I didn't stop hitting.

"Percy!" A voice broke through the rage and I turned around almost giving myself a whiplash before my eyes connected with that of Spencer's frightened ones. I frowned at him in confusion and slowly looked around at the other students around wearing almost the same expression.

I turned back to Bernard and his face was a bloody mess, his body sagged over my elbow that was the thing holding him up. I released my hold on him, taking a step back and he fell lifelessly to the floor. Some people gasped, most of them taking videos and snap shots.

Spencer walked closer to me, "y- you have to- leave Percy, the principal went to get the police."

"What?" I was struggling to hear what he was saying over the ringing in my ears.

"You wouldn't stop..." Spencer trailed off and his eyes moved to Bernard before coming back to me.

I ran my bloodied hand through my hair, "he hurt me and you."

Spencer was about saying something but then the crowd cuts through as a girl ran in, cutting him off. She was breathless as she shouted, "She's going to jump!"

Everyone started running out again but Spencer stayed looking at me. He stretched out his hand and I reluctantly place my bruised red ones over his. "It's going to be okay."

I shook my head, my heart feeling heavier than it has ever, the voices in my head were coming back. Janis sobs and my heavy dragged 'No'. "No, it's not."

"Do you think he's dead?" Spencer asked looking back at Bernard that could very well be lifeless down there.

"I don't know."

"We could sneak out the back—"

My eyes snapped to him and despite the situation, my lips twitch. "Run away?"

Spencer nodded looking serious as he raised my hand and kissed it. My earlier lightness faded as I saw his lips stain red from the kiss. "We could go to my house for now, nobody would come there. I could run around and—"

"Percy," Henry interrupted again running in. "It's Janis." I frowned at him, not understanding a thing. "She's on the fucking roof man!"

My eyes flicked to Spencer's for a moment and he groaned just before we ran out. Henry was right; Janis was on the fucking edge of the roof, looking down like she was giving herself some prep talk before she jumps off. Someone explained that people tried to get up and talk her out of it but she threatened to jump if anyone got close.

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