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Percy Flynn

Today was going well, I have not remembered the fact that my mum grounded me all through Sunday and even after school today. Yes, Dad snitched on me after my last disastrous visit to Caldwell and mum proceeded to be the bad cop she has always been. Then there was the fact that I've not seen Spencer throughout today, I've been avoiding him but it was wonderful that it was actually working.

Lastly, I haven't thought about the stupid kiss and I got myself a new high score at my game. I was a genius, my life was going pretty well.

"Coach says Twenty to at least eleven, else no win," Erik said bouncing alongside me and Henry.

I smiled, "We'll make it Thirty to six."

Henry nudged me. "Percy, you can't promise that."

"Says who?" I asked just as we saw Melody relaxing on my locker.

"What's up, Meaty Mel?" Erik asked, swiping his tongue over his lips as we eyed her.

"Fuck off." I warned shoving him backwards.

Erik lifted his hands up in surrender, smiled and walked off. "See you at the game."

"Sorry about that," I apologized putting in my locker code.

"But it's all your fault, you know," Henry had to add.


"No, he's right," Melody said face palming herself. "I shouldn't have drank any alcohol. Everybody's been whistling at me, calling me Meaty Mel and one even had the heart to offer me coins if I take my shirt off."

"What are we, third grades?" Henry asked laughing his ass off.

We ignored him. "Tell me his name, I'll take off his skin," I threatened and Mel smiled.

"You won't believe who stood up for me though," She said twirling her hair around. "Janis Tetrazzini."

"She did, didn't she?"

"Yup, I'm sure she wanted me to put in a good word for her."

"And congrats, you just did." I said, walking away.

"You know, she looks so sorry and miserable these days..." Henry trailed off.

"Don't start. I'll stuff you in a locker," I warned and he backed off.

"You know sometimes," Mel started and I saw her looking at Wilson Wong, who this time was actually looking back at her. "I don't really mind the attention."

"Come here." I said putting my arm over her shoulder and drawing her to me as she laughed.


"Divide yourself into two teams." PE teacher, Mr. Fred shouted, gesturing around with his hands. "Percy Flynn and William Banks, pick your teammates."

I left my group of friends going off to the center of the field with Will. PE had to be one of my favorite periods ever because it was literally impossible to fail at it. Well, it was impossible for me to fail other classes but this one was just so easy. I eyed the rest of my classmates and I saw Spencer Cald-- I mean, Tracey standing at a corner. He was dressed in his sport wear like the rest but he stood out to me. It could be because of the curly hair that was falling around his face or my concern over his health, or the kiss. No, definitely not the last one.

I don't know why Spencer just stood out. There were other seniors around, like William for example. Spencer looked up from his converse just then and as our eyes lock, his lips quirked up a bit. I frowned and looked away. "Henry."

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