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Percy Flynn

I fucking hate an arm sling and I honestly couldn't wait for them to take it off me and free my arm for use again. Being in the hospital was a burden in itself and if not for my parents and Spencer's insistence, I would have run out of here the very first week. Fortunately, I had little alone time to think too much and plot any plans of escape. Mom literally worked here, stopping by every free time. And when Spencer wasn't in school or work, he was right by my side until the adults forced him to go home.

I've also seen more of Paxton these two weeks than I have an entire month— once Sebastian came along too. It made me realize just how much change affected us. He has been wrapped up in school and Sebastian and I've been wrapped up in love with my boyfriend and drama from cheaters and exes. His visits were one of my absolute favorite. We caught up on recent happenings and I got to tease him about spending more time with Sebastian and this time as he blushed red, he teased me right back about Spencer and my stupid heroic tendency. I ended up telling him about the rape and together we told our parents.

I was crying but it was okay, Paxton was crying too and I didn't feel alone or weird, or angry with myself. I had a little mental breakdown as I remembered more things from that night. I remembered Janis pulling my clothes out, I remembered protesting and saying no, I remembered her crying and feeling her on top of me. I remembered being weak and unable to move or do anything.

It was not like I couldn't share this with Spencer, I could, I did eventually but I didn't cry and I felt like a hammer was painfully slamming on my chest as I did. I hated myself for it despite him saying it's not my fault and saying it's okay, it wasn't then because I brought him pain and that's the absolute last thing I ever wanted to do. I also didn't want to seem week and defenseless, I could be myself around Spencer but his heart was mine to protect. I felt like I was letting him down. With my brother, it was simpler, okay.

Mum lost it; I thought she was going to go kill Janis herself. Maybe choke her out of life with the pillow or inject her with something fatal. Dad was thankfully there to stop her. With everyone's help, including Spencer I was able to tell the police about it. Spencer's eyes helped me through it all this time, they stayed on me like I was the most perfect person ever, like I rose with the sun for him. I didn't see any pity or fear or pain in them. Just love, gleaming and glinting gold sparks in his hazel eyes. I love him and he loved me too. Nothing would change that.

"Do you remember much of what happened?" Spencer had asked three days after the roof incident. I had just woken up some hours ago and now we were alone in the room, curtains closed to block out the sun's harsh glare.

"A little," I mumbled, my eyes trained on our linked fingers. "Did Bernard die?"

"No, but last I heard he slipped into mild comatose."

I winced, "I'm fucking horrible."

"Don't. You and I know he deserved that and much more." Spencer said and squeezed our fingers.

"He does, doesn't he?" I asked no one in particular before I fixed my eyes on Spencer, a glow coming over my dark face. "Let's not talk about that anymore, let's talk about something else."

"Like what?"

I smirked, trying to sit up more but my whole body ached, my hands the most. "Did you or did you not propose while I was hanging off a building about dying?"

His face flamed red instantly, his lips opening and closing like a fish. I laughed but it was sharply cut off by the pain in my lungs. I already made Spencer to promise not to say anymore sorry to me, so already his worried eyes snapped to me, he said nothing about it. "I—I did and I did not."

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