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mark and donghyuck were in their drama class taking notes on their lesson about how to create stories and how to use your brain for once in our life. "and just so you guys know. you all have brains that you should try using in this class because your making a play"

the whole class's mouths were hanging except for donghyuck. "will there be singing?" he asked. the teacher nodded and you could practically see stars shooting out of his eyes. "mark i get to sing in front of an audience! it's a dream come true" he gushed.

"and i chose a perfect director for the job. byun baekhyun, please come up to the front" the teacher spoke.

the boy ran up and held a stack of papers stapled in his hand. "in my hand is the script for the play. i'll hand it out and auditions will start tomorrow, ending the next day. any questions?"

donghyuck's hand shot up and baekhyun chose him. "yeah Hyuck?" he asked. "baekie, what do we need to do in the audition"

"you can sing a song or say a couple lines from the script. now mr. choi will pass out the script to everyone...you all better start practicing, the play was well written by a student in this class" baekhyun said.

he went back to his seat after the teacher finished passing out papers and went back to making out with his boyfriend, the giant chanyeol. donghyuck looked at the script in his hands and his eyes went wide. "mark, you wrote the play?"

mark fumbled with his fingers, "mr.choi said i was a good writer and baek loved what I wrote for a short story thing so he asked me to make it into a script" donghyuck looked at the back to see the song list and smiled.

"doyoung sang a song?" donghyuck said pointing at one song called 'hard for me' that had the words kim doyoung next to it.

"yeah, chanyeol and i wrote the song and then we had doyoung sing it"


"he writes songs, we worked on some together and found singers in our school and class to sing it. see there's baekie's"

take you home - baekhyun was on the paper. donghyuck smiled and looked at a bunch until he saw a song he liked. "i'll sing that one" he said firmly.

mark looked at it and nodded. "it suits you...i'm sure that you'll be amazing at it." donghyuck pulled at his arm and flipped open to the first page. "c'mon, you wrote the script so help me practice...by the way, are you auditioning?"

"i'm still thinking about it..." mark mumbled and started reading through the character list with donghyuck.

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