╴twenty four

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"Hey Markie, Baek told you about the scene right?" Donghyuck asked.

Mark nodded and Donghyuck took a seat on the stage, gently placing Mark on his lap. "He said we have to do it in the practice run of the show but I'm still worried"

"Why Markie? We kiss sometimes, the only difference now is that it's gonna be in front of a live audience"

"Yeah but sometimes, it still feels weird to me" Mark muttered.

"We can change that"

Donghyuck made Mark face him and he lifted the boy's chin up softly. He pressed his lips against Mark's passionately and let Mark get more comfortable.

Their lips moved in sync as they melted against each other's touch, Donghyuck soon pulled away and stared into Mark's dark eyes. "How was that Markie?"

Mark touched his lips and smiled, "Thank you for helping me. I'm sorry if I have ever caused a problem or made you fee annoyed-"

"You could never do that to me, you're my baby lion and the cutest boy I've ever seen. More, your my baby boy" Donghyuck teased.

Mark lightly hit his shoulder and pouted. "You always tease me like this"

"But you like the name don't you, baby boy"

Mark turned red and hid in his chest. "Only a little" He muttered.

Donghyuck heard and smiled and started to play with the boy's soft locks.



"Hyuckie, they said they were at the door. Should I open it?" Mark said.

Donghyuck took out cookies and placed on the counter. "Of course Markie, you do that while I finish taking out the snacks"


Mark rushed to the door and opened it, the five boys stood in front, admiring the huge mansion they stepped into.

"I didn't know Hyuck was rich. Did you Mark?"

"I found out after he let me stay with him," Mark said softly. His phone started vibrating and he received a message. He ran out of the room and into Donghyuck's arms.

"Hyuckie! Taeyong's calling"

"Answer then baby"

Mark eagerly tapped the answer button and a deep voice spoke.

"Hey Markie, where are you?"

"I'm with Hyuckie and my other friends, we're having a sleepover"

"That's great because Jaehyun and I are really tired and we could use some sleep, but we'll hang out tomorrow? After school?"

"I have a practice run for the play after school, but after that, I have nothing else"

"Sounds great. Have fun okay Markie"

"I will Yongie! Bye"


Mark hung up and squealed. "I'm meeting with Taeyong after the practice run!"

Donghyuck giggled and pecked Mark's forehead. "I'm happy Markie. Now let's have some fun"

"Okay!" Mark said and Donghyuck and Mark walked into the living room.

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