╴thirty one

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donghyuck was helping mark part his newly dyed hair down the middle.

"you look like you did before, but without the noddle hair" donghyuck teased.

mark pouted and put on his green jacket over the white shirt he had on. "you said it was cute" he whined.

donghyuck finished putting on hid hoodie and he pulled Mark to a mirror.

"how do we look?"

mark looked in the mirror closely, looking at every detail of their outfit choices.

mark looked in the mirror closely, looking at every detail of their outfit choices

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"i think we look perfect" mark said

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"i think we look perfect" mark said.

baekhyun peeked through the curtain and started panicking. "we're on in five!" he shouted. everyone went to their respective sides of the stage while the light department people went to their places.

donghyuck watched taeil and mark get ready to come in. mark fiddling with his sleeves biting his lip. he sighed and watched mark try to calm himself down.

he walked over to mark and held his hands. "so be so scared, you'll do fine markie" he said and lovingly pecked his lips.

the lights suddenly turned off and mark took a deep breath. a spotlight shining directly on mark and taeil as they made their way to the center of the stage. and mark started with his first line.

the audience's reactions were very enjoyable.

ehocked for instance when mark acted so natural when acting and mixed in a cute factor into his character. also when Mark pouted, leaving some people on the floor from fainting.

another was laughing like when mark seemed completely oblivious to what donghyuck tried to say a pick up line. the stupidity that made everyone in the crowd enjoy themselves.

the play went along smoothly, everyone perfecting their lines, the beautiful voices that sang, but now it was down to the final scene. the most iconic scene in the play that all the actors waited for.

baekhyun bit his lips nervously as the scene currently went on:

mark had his bag in his hand and was ready to leave when donghyuck ran out from backstage and grabbed the other's wrist and pulled him to his chest.

"mark. don't go" donghyuck said.

donghyuck watched mark smile sadly as he pushed donghyuck away from him. "i told you, i can't stay. don't make this any more difficult than it already is" mark said softly.

"i'm going to make it difficult. i'm not going to let you go without a fight" donghyuck growled and pulled him into a tight hug and squeezed his tightly. "i love you mark..." he whispered.

"i have to-"

mark smashed his lips onto donghyuck's just as they had practiced. the audience made loud gasps and soon calmed down as the two pulled away from each other.


"i can't" mark whispered and ran backstage. donghyuck did a dramatic fall onto his knees and the curtain covered the stage once again.

the curtain opened for it's final time as all the actors came out. the audience started creaming and clapping loudly. baekhyun and everyone bowed and walked backstage after a couple pictures.

mark and donghyuck split to talk to others so mark went to his group of friends, the dreamies. jaemin handed a bag to him and let mark look inside.

"what's this for?" mark asked.

"you and hyuck are gonna have your own celebration if you know what I mean" jaemin smirked.

mark pulled out jeno's cat ears from the bag and flushed red. "i'm not really sure if he wants that-"

"just wear it and surprise him with it. i also need you to wear your shortest skirt so it can match with the shirt we brought"

mark put the stuff in his bag and nodded. "okay...but i won't tell you anything"

"whatever, i have hyuck for that. anyways, bye mark and good luck tonight" jaemin winked and walked off.

donghyuck came back and back hugged mark. "what's in the bag markie?"

"a surprise for you tonight at the house from jaemin and the others"

the other tried to peek in, but mark kept it locked shut. "it's for home"

"then what are we waiting for? let's go"

mark looked at himself in the mirror. he felt slightly uncomfortable with the shortness of the white shirt he was wearing. also the pastel blue crop top jaemin gave him.

he put on the white fluffy cat ears and slowly opened his door and hesitantly entered donghyuck's room.

the other was distracted so mark took a deep breath and called out donghyuck's name.

donghyuck directed his attention to mark and his jaw dropped. he looked down at the skirt and saw how it barely covered his thighs.

"baby" donghyuck said, while biting his lip, "come over here"

mark walked in front of donghyuck and let the other grab him and place him on the other's lap.

donghyuck placed his lips on mark's softly. mark's breath hitched as donghyuck rubbed the boy's inner thighs.

mark melted with donghyuck's touch and pulled away, taking a breath, the boy smiled at Donghyuck.

"do you want this baby?" donghyuck asked softly.

mark only nodded and let donghyuck take over him, wrapping his arms on mark's waist and pulled him closer.

donghyuck kissed the side of mark's neck softly and delicately. each soft kiss filled with love and passion despite the shortness of it.

donghyuck took off his own hoodie, licking his lips at mark's exposed collarbone, he bit down on it.

donghyuck heard a noise escape the other's lips and bit down again. mark let out pleasure filled noises, foreign to the noises, he bit down on his lip to stop it.

donghyuck stopped and stared at mark with fierce eyes. "i want to hear you" and pushed him down on the bed.

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