~:~ Episode 1 : The Invitation ~:~

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    The night was chill, and the air shuffled under Reko's coat. He walked down the bridge to the house, and headed towards the doors. He moved his feet in tiny increments due to him being very cold. His feet made a weird noise as he moved them. When he reached the entrance, he looked up at the chandelier.

Reko: This road took so long to cross, and why is it so cold? 

   Reko would open the doors, and look inside. He would take a small step, and move closer to shutting the door. He closed the door, and then took a more thorough look around. When he entered the dining room, he saw a horrendous sight and screamed.


ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝔻𝕒𝕪 - 

Emma: You have been invited? What have I been invited to? Hopefully it isn't some stupid party like the one Con hosted a couple years ago. 

   Emma would open the letter, and realize it wasn't from Con. Instead, it was from her friend Reko.

Emma: Wow. Reko never talks to me anymore, and I was starting to get suspicious. I guess this shows we still have a mutual friendship.

Karly (On Phone with Sarah): YOU GOT AN INVITATION TOO?!

Sarah: Yeah Karly. It said something about dressing formal, and wearing a nice outfit, so don't dress with your stupid tank top and bikini!

Karly: I won't wear that. >:D

   Karly would walk into her back closet and pick out the outfit Sarah told her not to wear. Sarah would still be heard on the phone in the background.

Sarah: Karly? Did you go to the bathroom again?

Lewis: Please come to this party wearing a formal outfit. We will be dancing, and having a good time! Ok. 

   Lewis would go look in his back closet and pick out a good outfit.

Lewis: Ok. I think I found the best outfit I have.

   He'd hold up the outfit and look in the mirror.

Lewis: I think I should try again.

Yoshi: Please come to Emmawood Drive, California at 10 PM. We will be dining at 11. 

   Yoshi would look at the letter again, and get a confused look. 

Yoshi: How come I barely know Reko, and get invited to this stupid party.

Kristin: I love this idea of a party! Reko is actually doing something for once!

Con: I wouldn't have to say I wasn't going. This sounds fun.


   Sar would get up off of his couch, and head to the kitchen. There, he would turn on his garbage disposal and shove the letter inside.


   The guests would get ready for the party, and put on their best outfits. They would get in their rides and head to the house.

   When they arrived, they pulled up onto Emmawood Drive, hoping to see a giant house. In fact, they didn't see a giant house, and all they did see was a forest.

𝟡:𝟘𝟘 ℙ𝕄 - 

Midnight: So where do we go again?

Cece: I assume we just wait for Reko to get here.

   They would all wait outside in the cold weather as they anticipated Reko's appearance. Rustling in the bushes would give them hope, but when the noise stopped and a squirrel hopped out, all hope was gone.

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