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CASH pov...........

after the shoot out everyone met up outside the club in the parking lot. i ran to the center of the circle looking for sky. i found her and hugged her hard but i stopped when i felt her wince in pain.

" Bae whats wrong" i asked her trying to move her hand from her stomach.

" im fine" she smiled weakly moving her hands. when she did they were full of blood. she got shot in the stomach. SHIT! she started tipping over and we all called her

" SKY!!!" we all said in unison.

" i love yall" was the last thing she said before she passed out. i caught her before she fell and ran her all the way to my car ignoring everybody in my way.

i drove at least 85 mph all the way to the hospital and made it there in 5 minutes. i ran in and went to the front desk.

" how may i help you handsom" the lady asked

" bitch i have a dieing person in my hands and u tryna flirt if u dont call dem fuckin doctors ima fuck u up in here" i yelled at her.

she ran to get a stretcher and came back with more doctors.

" What happened to her" the doctor yelled

" she was shot in the side or stomach an  in the arm twice" i said

" ok" he said running her to the back. i tried goin with them but they wouldnt let me go.

" sir u cant cone back here" a nurse said


" u go turn that shit down and sit yo ass down in tht chair over there while u over here arguin yo friend can be back her diein now i said you cant go u cant go" she said closing the door in my face

" bit......." i started bit dre and his pops came pulling me back.

i sat in the hospital chair with my head in my hand for what felt like hours and when i couldnt stand to do that no more i got up and punched a hole in the walls. About 2 hours later a doctor came from the back of the hospital.

" Family of malayah sky young" the doctor said

we all got up and ran to him.

" well i have good news and bad news...... the good news is that we was able to remove all the bullets an  get her partially stable... but the bad news is that she lost a lot of blood and we dont have her blood type in the back so one of u will need to give blood if u have her blood type. if not she will die in a matter of two to three days max" the doctor said

" well whats her blood type man" dre pops said

" its very rare... she has a C blood type" he said

" man dont nobody have that typa blood ole rare blooded ass" pops said

" yea man what we go do" dre said rubbing his face

" i do..." i said

" u do what" dre and his pops said

" i have a C blood type" i said

" well nigga give my sister some blood" dre said

" are u willing to give some blood" the doctor said

" hell yea" i said


i gave some blood and the doctor went to give it to sky. i hope she ok. i dont know what ill do if i lose her. we were all sitting in the waiting room. when i say we i mean me, dre, pops, beauty, trigga, Chelsea, keke, ace etc. a few minutes later the doctor came back.

" well i gave her the blood and she should be fine. we have dis all we can do for her now its all up to her. shes in a coma now and she could be in a coma for a week or a month or may e even a year its all up to her" and with that he told us we could go see her two at a time and walke  off.

dre and his pops went in first and they stayed in there for about 5 min then beauty went then chelsea an  keke then trigga went in.. and finally it was my turn. i walked in and saw my baby hooked up to some wires. even though shes in a coma shes still beautiful. i sat next to her and held her hand. then i just started talk saying anything i could think of.

" hey baby i kno u can hear me. i love you so much baby.... i thought u said u would be ok" i started an  then stopped holding back tears.

" i miss you already. you are my everything. u are my life. u are wht i live for. u are what i want to live for. i want u to be my babymomma and my wife. nah hold up u not just a babymomma i want u to be the mother of my children. i love u so much that it hurts. i hate tht i love u so much because i havent felt anything like this before. its all so new to me and i lobe it and i wouldnt want it with anybody but u. i love u girl. i cant live without u baby. i need u to wake up for me amd ur dad and dre and beauty and even that nigga trigga. we all need u. it wont be tha same without u. and i kno that i sound like a lil bitxh with all this crying and shit but i dont give a a fuck yo. goddammit malayah i love yo ass girl. and it hurts but its a good hurt though and im willing to take the pain because its a good pain an  i love it i woulnt be able to function without that pain i get when im around u. when i see your smile i hurt because i feel that u deserve a better person to make u smile. when u laugh it lights my day up and when u make me mad nd u try to flirt to make me forgive u i love u even more. u are my life and if u die i might as well die to baby cuz it aint worth it being here without u" i said tears flowing

i was holding her hand when i felt a little squeeze on my hand. i looked up and her eyes was still closed but she wa  trying to squeeze it again but she couldn't. she wa  getting frustrated cuz her eyebrows were furrowing.

" hey baby stop i kno u heard me i kno" i said kissing her forehead

" ill be right back" i said walkin out to find dre and them and the doctor.

i walked in the lobby and saw all of them in there.

" aye yall where the doctor at" i said

" ion kno y" pops said " is something wrong wit my babygirl"

" nah pops i was talkin to her and she squeezed my hand a lil lil bit" i said smiling

" oh hell naw she aint squeeze nun of our hand  y u so special nigga" beauty ghetto ass said

" cuz i am but where the doctor" i asked

" umm right there" she said

i turned around and ran up to him.

" aye doc i was talking to her and she lightly squeezed my hand" i said

" oh yea i forgot to tell u that she can hear u but she just cant see u an  that she might squeeze your hands if she has the energy" he said

" ight thanks doc" i said walking away back to sky room

i went and sat back in the chair i was at and grabbed her hand and just rubbed it.

" hey baby i have to go but ima be here first thing in the morning and lat thing at night and i love u so much" i said

she didnt respond but i knew she heard me. everybody said goodbye an  left. my baby making progress. i just hope tht she not in her for long cuz i dont kno if i can make it.

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