Hermione Lodge

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When you walked into Pop's 16 years later, a lot of people were surprised to see you. Like, Riverdale was a small little town, why would a big time celebrity come here?

But you were there for Veronica, your daughter, who didn't even know she was your daughter. Hiram was not to pleased to see you, while Hermione was surprised to see you and kinda... pale. Veronica on the other hand (like most other kids) was freaking out, and fangirling, and freaked even more when you walked up to her table.

"Veronica? Hi, I'm-"

"Y/n Y/l/n! I know! I love your music!" She squeals, making you chuckle and pat her hand.

"Thank you, but I was hoping we could talk? It's not something appropriate for a diner and I know your parent's won't mind, especially your mother. Right... kitten?" Y/n teases with a wink, making Hermione look uncomfortable, while Hiram clenches his hand and grind his teeth.

Veronica nods and quickly gets out of her seat, bolting towards the door as Y/n follows behind her. But stops when she sees a red headed girl, that looks like a girl she use to love. "Cheryl, right?" The girl's eyes widen, and she nods slowly. "Your mother always loved that name. Tell her I miss my little red head." She smiles before walking out the door and to her daughter.

Hiram relaxes and looks at his wife, a tiny smirk coming to both their faces.

"Don't worry mi amor, she'll learn to stay away like the first time," Hiram whispers to his wife as they wait for their daughter to come back in

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"Don't worry mi amor, she'll learn to stay away like the first time," Hiram whispers to his wife as they wait for their daughter to come back in.

P.S. Hiram can't do shit to Y/n cause the people he know's, she knows as well amd they like her more than him so fuck off Hiram!!

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