Carrie Underwood

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This was not what you expected to see when you came out of the store

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This was not what you expected to see when you came out of the store. A blonde woman taking a bat to your car. You were speechless before you got angry.

"Oh my God! Lady! What the fuck!?" She looks at you as she puts the bat on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, cheating boyfriend." She smiles bit your mouth drops.

"Lady, that's my car!" You yell at her as you unlock the door and put your stuff inside, before going to look at the damage. Shit, that's gonna take a month to pay off to replace. You look up at her and her mouth's open and her eye's are wide.

"Y-your car? Oh my God... but.. his car...." she cover her mouth and shakes her head, "Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I swear I thought it was his car and I just got so mad! I'll pay for it all. I'm so so sorry." You sigh and run your fingers through your hair.

"It's.... fine. And just pay half, I can tell the guilt is getting to you. But can I know your name?" You ask with a small smile.

"Carrie. Carrie Underwood."

"Y/n. Y/l/n. Nice to meet you Carrie, even though it was under a horrible condition."

She covers her face and shakes her head. "You too, and yea. But, can I take you for coffee after you get the estimate for the damage?" You chuckle and nod.

"Coffee over paperwork would be good." You smile and hand her your phone.

And when the coffee over paperwork date came, money wasn't the only thing you got out of the deal.

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