~Chapter 2~

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What Angel looks like now:

White long curly on the end hair, same eye colours, same body as Mikasa, wears black goggles on top of her head, height of Christa, scarred arms and wrists, same symbols on the same place

The uniform she wears is different from everybody since she has the white-collared short-sleeved shirt with a black vest, black shorts, maneuver belt, black boots, black gloves showing the fingers, black fedora with the same symbols on her

Her hair is tucked into a fedora if she's practising or fighting titans

Her usual outfit would be like the uniform except she keeps the shirt, vest, shorts and fedora with her hair out and the gloves but adds shoes


As Sir. Keith inspects us, "who the hell are you?" "I am Jean Kirstein from Trost!" "what are you here for?" "to join the military and reside in the inner city." he then looks a bit panicked "I see. So you wanna live in the inner city?" "yessir!" Sir. Keith then head-butts him on the head as he falls down. "who told you to kneel down?! You'll never become a police officer of this sends you to the ground!" he then walks to another person " he then stares intensely at the boy as he says-

"I am Marco Bott from Jinae behind Wall Rose! I came here to join the military police and to work for the King!" "is that so? good man. A noble objective. But remember:" Sir. Keith then peers into his face as he says "the King doesn't want you. Next, you there! Who the hell are you?"

"I am Connie Springer from Ragako, south of Wall Rose!" Keith then grabs his head and lifts him as he says "listen up, Connie Springer! I believe you were told about this before! That salute means you're offering you're heart to the King! Is your heart on the right side?! he then puts his attention to the girl eating po-wait! I'll call her potato girl! He then goes over to her as she says "you. What the fuck are you doing?" she then looks around her and takes another bite of the potato. "you! I'm talking to you! Who the fuck are you?" She then swallows the potato in her mouth and raises her hand to her chest.

"I am Sasha Blouse from Daupa, south of Wall Rose!" "Sasha Blouse...what are you holding in your right hand?" "it's a steamed potato, sir! I found one that was lying in the kitchen!" "did you steal that? Why? Why are you eating a potato right now?" "it's best when eaten warm, so I thought that eating it right now was the best course of action, sir." "that reasoning is beyond me. Why are you eating a potato?" "are you asking why people eat potatoes in general, sir?" all of us then stared at her like she did something crazy!! it's gonna be your death today potato girl I thought as I looked at her.

She then breaks the potato in half, "take half of it if you'd like, sir." "half?" Keith gets it. As we are in our cabins and I was with Marco, Connie, a random girl and Eren as we watch Sasha running. "potato girl's still running. Not bad....she's been at it for five hours. But her reaction when he told her to run until she drops was nothing compared to when he told her she's not getting any food." "Dauper is a small hunter village in the mountains south of Rose, right?" Connie asks, "what's that?" Eren asks as he looks at the horse carriage "drop-outs. They requested to be moved to the development areas." "what it's only day one..." "that's how it goes. The weak has no choice but to leave." "they'd prefer to pick rocks and cut weeds...." Marco then looks at me as he says "That reminds me. He didn't ask where you're from." "All 3 of us are from the same place, Shiganshina." then they had their eyes wide-open as Marco says "oh, I see...then you were.." "So you were there on that day too?" "hey!" "did you see it? The Colossal Titan!"

"Yeah..." as we are eating meals, I was eating my soup peacefully with Eren but Eren then tells them "we told you already, We saw it." Everyone is around the table and I spread a little wider from Eren as one of them say "seriously?" "how big was it?" "it could look over the wall." "what?" "I heard it straddled the wall!" "me too!" "I've heard that from my village too!" "not really, it wasn't that big." "what did it look like?" "he had almost no skin, and his mouth was huge." "and what about the Armoured Titan that broke through Wall Maria?" "even though people call it that, it looked like any regular titan to me." "then the regular titans?" I see Eren freeze and I slide a little bit to him and he dropped his spoon on the soup, I knew he was thinking about mother. I then say "would you please stop questioning him?" "yeah, I'm sure he has memories he'd rather forget." "sorry for being so-" "that's not it." He then eats on the bread as he then says "Actually, the titans are no big deal. Once we learn how to operate the Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear, they'll be no match for us! We finally have the chance to become soldiers. I just swallowed wrong earlier. I'll join the Recon Corps and purge the world of titans! I'll kill them all-" "dude, are you nuts?" Jean says as he keeps continuing "did you just say you wanted to join the Recon Corps?" "that's right." I knew from the start that both these idiots will be arguing and fighting.

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