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A/N: Two dreams in one day! Two updates in one day!

Imagine this second dream in an anime style.

SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 17 OF 'Darling in the Franxx.'

TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of gun(s)

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1213 hours

The dream started with a family of four animals having dinner. I couldn't see what animals they were though; it looked as if they ate in the shadows. I felt as if they were a high-status family.

The family of animals were having their dinner in a black and red room. Their source of light seemed to be the glowing red walls of the room; the bubbles that occasionally appeared briefly before they popped suggested that the walls held liquid in them.

Then someone came in. Another animal. She hurried in with small, quick footsteps and stopped by the father's chair. She leaned in close to the father's ear, quietly muttering something to him.

"Two of the subjects can't proceed with the mission," the messenger whispered to the father.

Enraged, the father's deep and rumbling voice cried out, "What?!"

Then, I saw the father's face from when he leaned toward the messenger, and toward the light, to cry out. It was the angry, snarling face of a dark yellow lion with a glossy dark red mane.

"I'm very sorry but all the signs were there," the messenger said firmly yet almost apologetically.

* * * * *

The next scene took place in a hospital room. It was of the two 'subjects' who couldn't go on the unexplained mission.

It was Kokoro and Mitsuru from 'Darling in the Franxx.'

[ ^^ Kokoro ^^ ]

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[ ^^ Kokoro ^^ ]

[ ^^ Mitsuru ^^ ]

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[ ^^ Mitsuru ^^ ]

My viewpoint was focused squarely on the duo so the most that I could make out of the room was that it had dual-coloured walls: pale greenish-blue on the top half, dark blue on the bottom half. White light shone down on Mitsuru and Kokoro.

Kokoro was looking down sheepishly, unable to meet Mitsuru's eyes. The long strands of her hair that fell on either side of her face shielded her from his view.

Mitsuru stood a single step behind Kokoro, but a few steps from her left. Mitsuru looked almost bored with her, but it was clear to me that he was only observing her, looking at her face through the thin partings of ashen hair that acted as her shield. The taller boy held a black sniper rifle, leaning it against the front of his right shoulder as his index finger stayed close to the trigger; his other hand was stuffed in his pocket.

Mitsuru turned his head to look forward. He nearly knocked his head against the barrel of the rifle when he did. He walked a few steps forward so that he was directly behind Kokoro.

A voice cried out then, "What?! You have to take care of that thing?" It wasn't either of their voices though. It was their friend, Zorome's voice.

They must've been reminiscing his words because it was clear that Zorome wasn't in the room with them.

* * * * *

The next scene took place in a similar hospital room. My viewpoint was wider so I could see that the floor of the hospital room was a shiny pale blue colour. The overhead lights in that room seemed brighter. The room also appeared to have no door for some reason.

"They have to go on the mission," Zorome was insisting to the nurse. He was pointing down to the floor at some invisible being, a mixed expression of stern and questioning on his face as he looked at the nurse.

 He was pointing down to the floor at some invisible being, a mixed expression of stern and questioning on his face as he looked at the nurse

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[ ^^ Zorome ^^ ]

The long snout of Nurse Sheep was hidden behind a taut blue mask. The rest of the sheep's body was dressed in a blue hospital garb.

"I'm very sorry," she apologised quietly while shaking her head slightly.

She left Zorome behind to stare at the wall of the hospital room with his fists clenched.

The hallway outside the room was a completely dark blue colour, from floor to walls to ceiling. No lights had been turned on in the hallway.

As soon as Nurse Sheep exited the room, she leaned against the wall next to the doorway. She took off her tight mask, a relieved smile on her face.

"At least those two are safe," Nurse Sheep assured herself.

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A/N: I finished watching the entire 'Darling in the Franxx' series by the time I started writing this, but I had only finished 20 episodes when I had this dream.

The series was good; the ending made me feel so many emotions that I had to just walk away from the computer and stew in my thoughts for awhile.

Still not sure where the 'talking animals rule the government' idea came from. Maybe its because I watched the new 'Lion King' trailer a few days ago. Maybe that's where I got the idea of the father being a lion with a dark red mane.

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