*He Bore It All

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He bore it all upon the tree.
He nailed it there for you and me.
E'en on the cross His life was giv'n
to ope' for us the way to heav'n.

His body beat and spat upon,
we mocked the Lord's Anointed one.
We reverenced not His holy Lamb.
With sin we pierced His righteous hands.

Forth from His side the blood did flow.
But with it guilt of sin also.
For with His blood He payed the price!
The one redeeming sacrifice.

Then up to heav'n He did ascend
to reign there at the Lord's right hand.
Now we His love and grace do sing!
The Savior, Sacrifice, and King!

Jesus freely bore it all.
At His throne we humbly fall.
His life, a ransom for our sins,
that we in Him might live again.


Ok. So does this one even need explanation? I think it's pretty obvious to anyone who's read the Bible just exactly where it came from. If you have not read the scriptures though you'll find the account of these events in the last few chapters of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

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