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One month later

'Now you stay right there!' Irina shrieked frantically. She had made the big mistake of trusting the mooncalves to be walking around Newt's basement. She had regretted it quickly. Thirty minutes later she had all of them back behind the fence where they were turning their big eyes on her.

'No snacks for you. I trusted you!' she said while holding up a scolding finger. The calves turned around and went back into their enclosure.

Irina sighed and smiled weakly. The creatures in his basement were incredible. When he had first shown her around her eyes had nearly popped out. And the basement wasn't the only time. First off, Irina had never been outside Romania. So their travel through Western Europe had already been jaw-dropping beautiful. But that was just the muggle world. Newt had taken her to Diagon Alley, a wizarding street that is hidden from muggles. He had tapped some old bricks and suddenly they had been in a buzzing street full of people in the strangest clothes. Candy and little creatures were flying around the place, children were daring each other to eat badly flavoured beans and wizards and witches were goggling the goods in the shop windows.

Irina had felt like she had walked into a completely new world. The contrast between them and the muggles had been so big. It made her wonder...would she ever have been destined to have this kind of life? Was her father one of the crazy looking men in this street?

Irina shook her head and started up the countless stairs. Once she reached the house she closed the door behind her. She was not looking forward to her talk with Newt, but she had too. He couldn't stay in the dark.

About an hour later Newt arrived home. He had been in the National Library to start writing down a part of his book. A week ago he had gone to the Ministry of Magic to declare some important information about Erumpents. They had laughed in his face and told him that their appointments usually were for emergencies. Newt had spluttered all the way as they pushed him out.

'Irina?' he called in the house.

She emerged from the kitchen where she had been preparing their dinner. 'Here darling.'

Newt walked over to her and kissed her forehead. He draped his beautiful peacock blue coat over his chair and followed her into the kitchen. As she scooped the stew onto the plates, Newt snaked his arms around her and breathed in her neck. Irina smiles automatically, but told herself to not be carried away.

'How was your day?' he asked. His lips were close to her ear so he spoke in low tones. It gave Irina goose bumps.

'Oh good. I chased the mooncalves all over your basement,' she said simply, picking up the plates.

Newt let go of her and picked up the spoons to bring along. 'How did they get out?'

Irina put the plates down. 'I uh...let them go. I know, bad idea.'

Newt just chuckled and sat down in the chair opposite her. They ate their dinner in silence. Irina was dying on the inside. She needed to speak up, but she was afraid.

However, Newt noticed her odd behaviour. Once his plate was clean he dropped the spoon and looked directly at the girl at his dining table.

'What is wrong?' he asked.

Irina dropped her spoon in surprise. Then she gathered her courage.

'Newt, I need to go.'

A silence stretched between them. Newt looked very uncomfortable in the situation. He kept trying to form a reply, but failed. Finally he asked, 'G-go? Go where?'

Irina exhaled deeply. 'I am not...I can't stay here and work for you. Don't get me wrong, the time I spend here with you has been amazing. A little too amazing to be honest. It's all just so much. The magic, the creatures, the people. I have difficulty enough dealing with a different country, let alone dealing with a new world! So, once again, it is not a bad thing. But it is...overwhelming.'

Newt watched her closely, letting her finish her entire story.

'I still can't properly use my wand. I never learned the incantations. I am incapable in a wizarding environment. Let's take today for example. There was probably a magical solution to the outbreak of mooncalves, but I had no idea what to do.'

She remained quiet a bit longer this time. Newt leaned forward on his elbows. 'So what is it you want to do?'

Irina was pleased to see that Newt didn't stop her right away. 'I think I want to learn magic. Properly. Like you did in school.'

A smile played on Newt's face. 'I never finished school.'

'But still, you taught yourself how to do it. Or you had help from your family. Newt, what I'm really trying to say is...I found a specialist who will give me private lessons. I will pay with the gold I stole from the train. After the explosion. I am going to go there and learn magic.'

'Where is that? Here in London?' Newt asked.

Irina bit her lip. This, this was the most difficult part. This was what was going to strike him. This was going to break his heart.

'I...won't tell you.'

Newt seemed frozen. His mouth fell open slightly and she could see that he was hurt. 'Won't?'

Irina decided to stand up from her chair. She walked over to him and sat down on the edge of the table. Holding his hand.

'It pains me Newt. It pains me to do this. But...it also pains me to stay. I can't seem to find closure. You and Fiara keep reminding me of what happened. My mom...' She stopped because she was starting to cry again, but she needed to be strong. 'I need to leave and stay away for some time. I know you want to travel again soon and you should. Take the creatures with you in that wonderful suitcase and continue your travel around the world. This is simply where we part ways.'

Newt stood up from his chair and held her hands between his, close to his chest. 'I don't want to go without you.'

Irina smiled a little. 'You need to. Newt, I'm so grateful of everything you did for me. You saved my life in so many ways. You saved Fiara. I trust you to take care of her. And maybe, when you return from your travels and I return from mine, we can find each other again.'

Newt shook his head vigorously. He looked down, not wanting to face her. Irina went through her knees and placed a hand under his chin. He raised his head and his eyes were zooming around from right to left. He clearly wanted to say a lot, but didn't know how to. Irina couldn't stay for too long. She knew that it would only break their hearts more.

Newt got up from his chair. It looked like he was going to stop her, but he didn't. He stood defeated. She stood on her toes to kiss him on the cheek. Newt blushed. When he looked her in the eye, his eyes were turning red and watery.

'Stay. P-please.'

Irina smiled at him. 'You'll see me again Newt Scamander.'

The circus artist had left the house when Newt opened his eyes.


To be continued.

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