A Story of Life and Death

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A long time ago there was a man, a man who walked among stars and saw beauty in everything he saw. That man came from a planet called Gallifrey, a beautiful land of sunsets and grasslands with one city in the middle. This planet was occupied by Gallifraiens called the Time lords. These amazing people ruled all of time and kept balance of it all. However the civilisation went to war with heartless and destructive creatures called the Daleks. This war was named the First Great Time War, and time war meant the two sides would fight for control over all of time, and in the time lords sense space. The man fought in this war and had the most blood on his hands than a solider would as this man froze the war as a way to save the planet he so very loved. Through history he was called many things,
A healer
The saviour
A mad man with a box
An idiot with a box
The destroyer of worlds
But one name, a name that echoed throughout the Galaxy that every being knew or had heard and some feared. Just two words could scare a Dalek or any creature, them two words were
The Doctor
Same man with different descriptions, different regenerations, stories told by many who traveled with him and lastly one detail that will never be forgotten or misused,
The blue box.
The man in the big blue box flying throughout time and space saving people and never asking for a thank you and just moves on his way to help another in need.
However this man has acquired his 13th regeneration and she is me.
Im The Doctor
When people need help I never refuse....
I stood infront of the TARDIS consul a little bit lost in my own little dream world. I stood their and stared at the co-ordinates input trying to think
I was brought back to my senses as a firm hand touched my shoulder and I swung around to see three very worried faces of my fellow Team TARDIS, Ryan, Tas and Graham. Graham looked at me as if he was awaiting a response.
"So sorry about that got lost in my own little world, busy thinking! Thinking of,.. Where you want to go next!" I awnsered frantically
"Yeah about that Doc..." Graham started and looked around to consult Ryan and was given a gently nod in agreement and at this point I was a little worried about what would be said.
"Me and Ryan would like to go home for the day... You see it's Graces birthday today...and we wanted to spend time at places she would have liked... To honour her memory.. That is! If you don't mind!" Graham explained gently.
"Of course! I absolutely understand you need your time, home or?" I asked stretching my question a little, in all honesty I felt bad... Back home it had been two days since she died, to them it's been forever. However I can't help but feel a sense of guilt, she died helping us, doing something absolutely dangerous to protect Yas, Ryan and myself. I hate endings.. I hate death. But if there's one thing over learnt from my travels, time is inescapable even for me, my time will come. I pulled the lever on the TARDIS after getting a blunt anwser of Home from Ryan and soon we landed. Yas walked to the door opening it and we had landed opposite their house.
"Looks like we acutally SUCCESSFULLY made it, " she teased lightly looking at me with a smirk on her face. I screwed my face up lightly in offence
"excuse me! She always goes where I ask...." I blurted "most of the time..." I lightly muttered nothing she had some sort of a point.
"Well Doc...me and Ryan will be off, feel free to pick us up when you get bored" Graham said with a small sigh
"not that you will be with Yas around" Ryan added
"Oh yeah Thanks Ryan!" Yas playfully exclaimed as she waved her hand up to flick away the so on so rascal. The two left shutting the door behind them, just me and Yas, Yas....
I have no idea what's wrong with me but the more time I spend with Yas the more this feeling in my chest just makes my hearts pound out of my chest. I haven't experienced something quiet like this in a long long time so it's no surprise that I annoyingly can't place my finger on what it is. A wiped my mind clean and looked to Yas
"How 'bout we have a little adventure around the TARDIS, you see new design, I'm as familiar to this look as you are, so whatcha say?" I asked nudging her shoulder lightly before skipping down the stairs looking at her long awaiting her answer.
"Then explore we shall " she laughed a little at what she said and soon followed on behind me. We walked down what seemed like an endless corridor until we reached a library and not any old library.
"A library? With a swimming pool?" Yas commented pointing to the books then the water and she repeated this process for about five times before I gently grabbed her shoulders
"We get it Yas a swimming pool in a library.." I said in a huff of breath beige letting her go. However somethings caught her attention and she had walked over to the book stand and in it a large book with Gallifrey writing spruced along the front. She glazed her hand over the cover gently and looked back at me with a look of confusion.
"I though the TARDIS translated everything? So..." She rang her ringers over it again
"Why isn't this translating?" She asked in confusion to which I walked next to her.
"Why would it need to translate its own language and mine..?" I answered gently to which she gave me a shocked look.
"Wh-what? This is your language? What's it called?" She asked longing for awnsers.
"It's Gallifreian... The language of the Time Lords... The language of time and space itself..." She looked at me and looked at it again.
"So your a Time Lord..?" To which I gently nodded. She didn't know I knew but I could see the burning question of why I was here slowly approaching.
"If you don't mind my asking... Where is your home now...Gallifrey?"the question of the hour, the question if the decade.
"Froze in time....you see my race and another went to war... Starting what's known as the First Great Time War, a war for control over time and space... My species were on the verge of collapse so to save them...I froze them in time... To repeat the same moment for the rest of their lives.., a curse but a salvation..." Tas was starting to cry to which I gently put my hand on hers on the book.
"So the war...? What happened,... That makes you the last..." She sprung out the question ps on after another.
"Im The last yes, also the war never ended....it's still on going... And not I that single frame of time, al, through out the universe... Me versus the entire Dalek race..." These words Made her spring up In shock.
"Your whole life you've fought theses monsters alone?! When you're people couldn't,I,, them with an army! Doctor that's a death wish!" She exclaimed to which I shook my head. "No it's not, in the whole War no human or creature hand more blood on their hands than I did.." I looked away and looked at her again "don't worry about I've been doing this for the last few centuries I'll be Fi-" I was pulled into a hug of sadness and anger. Her emotions felt like my own and I could feel her pain and so I hugged her back.
"I-I'm sorry doctor I can't sympathise with yo hand I can't say that I've had a problem as bad as that but at least I can empathise with you at the very least."
The moment was broken as the TARDIS suddenly jolted violently sending us flying towards the pool and suddenly we reappeared on a hard metal floor and I saw two brown boots infront of my face. I looked to see if Yas was alright and she was lying next to me.

"well Doctor I never thought you of all people would be like this...." The voice I knew it, the blue trench coat the brown boots there was no mistaking.
I look up at him seeing the all but too familiar face
"Captain Jack Harkness..."

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