Family Ties

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{Doctors P.O.V}
"Jack you need to take us back! It's important for the life of me please!" I begged I was crushed and so heart broken and this couldn't be real, even if it was, it was a sick joke that wasn't funny...
{Ryan's P.O.V}
"Who the hell are you and why are you in my house?! How'd you even get in!" Graham' exclaimed and to be honest I didn't blame him and I gently grabbed his arm
"Mate calm down, look at them, think of the story the Doctor told us...."
One time in the TARDIS we asked about the Doctors family, she'd mentioned she lost them a long time ago but we wanted to know who they were. She had told us that she had met them after she'd regenerated well, the girl she met... She had a boyfriend aswell and she traveled with them, but the timelines had muffled and things had happened the girl gave birth to a baby girl, the Doctors Wife.. Her companions became her parents in law...she told us she lost them all two to the creates of weeping angels and her wife to save her life when she didn't know who she was. Before Graham could process the front door swung open and the Doctor, Yaz and some man burst in.
{Doctors P.O.V}
"This isn't right and this certainly isn't fair...!" I felt as if I was gonna break down and burst out in tears life couldn't be anymore unfair.
"Well hello sweetie, nice of you to drop by..."
"Wait hang on... I'm lost.. SHES the Doctor?"
"Any Doctor is my Raggedy Doctor!"
There was no mistaking..
"Amy...Rory,..River... How the hell are you here... This is not right.. It's so not right... River your..." I cut myself off realising that Amy and Rory wouldn't know. I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was Yaz's
"Doctor.. You should sit down... It's been one thing after another you-"
"No Yas I'm fine!" I shouted. Maybe I shouted to harshly... I needed time and I left them all in the living room.
{Thrid person}
The companions all stood there confused and worried
"Best you leave him- I mean her, to calm down an angry Doctor Is a scary Doctor.." River said sitting down on the chair with a smile
"Don't we all know that? I mean of most people should know... I've know the Doctor the longest.," Jack said putting his hands in his pockets,
"And just who are you anyway?" Graham asked looking around at him
"Captain Jack Harkness, I've known the Doctor for a rough 1000 years... Well... It's complicated really....I met him in ww2 which was over 100 years ago... In your terms... Time travel,. Never get used to it.." Jack explained
"I'm Graham.. This is my grandson Ryan and that's Yas,,, we've know the Doctor for well...I don't know,.. The time travel thing confuses me.."
"We met her a week ago... But it almost feels like a month or longer..." Ryan explained
"To be honest to much has happened..i haven't kept track.." Yaz said softly.
"We" Amy pointed at herself and Rory "we met him.. Well her...about one year ago... We saw her yesterday... But by the sounds of it... We've been gone awhile.."
"You've been gone three years.... The Doctor was convinced she'd never see ya again...." Ryan said and Yas butted in
"When we first met her she said she'd lost her family a long time ago... But she carried them with her... A while later we asked her what happened... She said her wife died when they first met and her parents in law were taken by some angels in Manhattan..." Yas looked at them with pain in her eyes.
River looked down and then to Amy and Rory and then Jack sighed.
"The Doctor.... She never pains me that she keeps on moving despite the fact that when the world wins it means she looses..."
Yas looked at Jack
"Hang on a sec... What do you mean..?
"The first time the Doctor met me he had no concept of who I was... And he had to risk his life to save the world from the darkness instead I died..." River smiled with small tears
"He saved the universe from the Angels but lost Rory in the process... So I went with him...and he lost me..." Amy explained sadly
"The Doctor saved the world from the Daleks but I died and so did he..." Jack said
"Well when we first met the Doctor she was saving some bloke from being kidnapped by aliens..." Graham explained
"But Ma grandmother died saving the Doctor me and Yaz..." Ryan looked down shaking his head.
"I'm sorry for your loss.." Jack bowed his head.
The Doctor slowly appeared around the Corner....
"I never thought of it like that... Every Time the world wins I loose... I always chose the brave ones to come with me... But it's their brave and courageousness that's costs them.. And when they do go.. I feel the world just fall around me.. Someone once said to me.. If I was to die the whole universe might just go quiet and that's something that I would never have let happen...the person who said that died protecting the world when I wasn't here..." The Doctor looked up
"I promised you all protection and I failed you all... I never meant put your faith in me and I let ya down... And for that you all paid...and it's only a matter of time before I loose you three.." She looked at Yas, Ryan and Graham "and I knew from the moment we met you would want to come  and I told myself.. No you'll only loose them... Amy, Rory, you two got sent into the past in a parallel universe because I messed up.. River... You died because I didn't know who you were... Jack... Your a wanted man because I let you die and you got brought back to life and were seen as dangerous... Graham and Ryan.., you lost Grace because she realised something I didn't and took action...I could never repay what I've done and it hurts the most the fact that... I know I can't save those I care about..." She broke down and sat down on the couch.
"Don't you dare!" The Doctor shook and so did everyone as Yas exclaimed in anger.
"It's never your fault and it never will be! People die for you because your worth dying for and they were right the world would go quiet without you Because there would be no universe, when there's darkness there's light and your the light in the dark, without you there would be no such thing as earth, humans and countless civilisations! You need to stop grieving and move on but never forgetting why your still going.. If people didn't die the the world just wouldn't work and without those deaths you'd have no reason to move forward.., so..? Are you gonna sit here and apologise for what you've been forgiven already? Or are you gonna be this amazing , wonderful and mad Doctor that this planet and universe needs?" Yas stopped and the Doctor looked at her and something sparked and lit up inside and she smiled and she stood up
"Sorry about this Sweetie.. " the Doctor exclaimed before planting a kiss on Yaz's lips
"And you tell me off?" Jack protests
"Oh shut up!" She laughed
"I understand I'm supposed to be dead so I can't hold you accountable " river said with a smile.

"Now then back to business...The Doctor is in the house"
she smiled widely

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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